Chapter 4- Yesterday (her afternoon)

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Rukma's POV

The talk went very well. I was happy that I could talk about mother earth, how what we eat and wear affects her. For a moment I felt Vit was here. Thankfully I was able to complete with no hiccups. I actually think I saw him walking through the crowds towards us when I was going back to my seat in the front row. I hate all these corporate class people. I have lost count of the number of times that Mainak has tried to hit on me. Slimy fellow. I was not even able to thank professor properly. Jee, some other time, maybe next week, his office is down the corridor. 

My relief did not last long and Vit finally appeared next to Prof who is also the university Chancellor. They were talking about something animatedly. Mainak also joined the conversation, Vit didn't seem happy to talk to him, she sensed a polite hostility. Awesome, we do have a meeting of minds. She smiled to herself. 

Vanya, in-charge of the hospitality at the event, invited the key guests for lunch. She could see professor and Mainak convincing Vit to join them. With reluctance he seemed to have agreed and they started walking towards the auditorium exit and I was sure they would walk past me. I still was not sure if Vit would even remember me. I had still not worked out how to handle him. The prospect of having lunch with Mainak was even worse. I was wanted to vanish, disappear, become invisible. 

But gods were not listening and Prof (as the Chancellor was fondly addressed) took my hand and asked me to accompany them. Prof had been my father figure and  I pasted a fake smile and agreed. While Mainak was smiling like a lech that he was, Vit showed no sign of recognition. I was not sure who to punch harder Vit or Mainak. I got up and started walking with Vanya pretending to take an avid interest in the lunch and its preparation and the seating arrangement for lunch. We led the mix of patrons and University senior faculty out of the auditorium and towards the corporate dining area. 

The corporate dining area was a beautiful section on the second floor that overlooked the small garden and lake that was behind the university. While I loved the setting, my hunger had gone for a toss. Few more patrons and senior faculty had joined us. I could see groups of people with the Prof in animated discussion with five to six patrons at the center, other senior faculty was chatting key patrons in other smaller groups. 

I quickly moved to the group lead by history faculty. They were discussing cultural restoration project led by one of the business patron's organization as part of the Corporate Social Responsibility. I was happy to smile, nod, mumble 'I agree' to keep the conversation flowing. We neared the table close to the far end and I was happy with my window seat. Thanking my stars and the Gods I settled down and fixed my gaze ahead away from Vit, Mainak and Prof. 

Before I could feel the relief, Vanya was at my side informing that Mainak has asked for me. 

Gee, I hate this, why do we need these business and corporate patrons to support the university?

I wanted to strangle someone, just could not get my hands on them. I walked with Vanya towards their table and Mainak stands up and tries to usher me to the empty seat next to him. I am thinking of a nice excuse to wriggle out of this but Vit steps in and suggests that he needs my presence as his company is planning something in the agricultural space and would love to hear my views. I try to hide my shock given the indifference he had shown earlier and now the rescue. This was the Vit I remembered...

That Vit was a man who fought for my honor and safety with no thought of his own safety. I owed him a lot I felt but he had refused to even recognize me. We were bound by most sacred of vows yet he had told me categorically nothing will come of it socially, economically or physically.  He pulled my chair like a gentleman and I was even more confused. I was not sure how to talk to him. However the conversation flowed smoothly and Vit again showed no way that he knew who I was or wanted to connect with me beyond business. 

Once or twice I felt him staring at me, at my earrings and my eyes but this was fleeting and I could not be sure. The weirdest was him picking some of the food from my plate and what I could not understand him savoring my half eaten food....Commenting on it would have only invited more attention.

Is he savoring the taste of me??? He drank water from my glass and ate my food!!

I hoped and thankfully no one noticed what was happening and somehow the meal was completed. We got up post meal mingling started but Vit was busy on phone. I took this as a chance to move away and meet some of my friends. Almost an hour passed and we started to see off the patrons and participants of the event. Vit was still in deep discussion on phone and I happily started to talk to senior faculty exiting out of the dining room.

As we started to move past the door, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Prof and he wanted me to weigh on an issue. I moved back and gave my two cents to whatever Mainak was talking about. I was polite yet firm, I had learnt the art of repelling people like him. He understood and gave up on me. I smiled and turned back.

I hate these businessmen! Mainak is slimy!

Happily I turned back towards the door and started to move out. Vit joined me right at the door. We were walking very close and  my elbow brushed his and he smiled. It was dazzling and for a moment I was back in the forests near Goa where it all had started. And then his phone buzzed again, breaking the spell.

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