Chapter 31-Sweating it out

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Vit was not sure why the news of Param's roka was frustrating him, but he was becoming snappy. There had been little news of Rukma for the past 36 hours. He was thinking she must have returned from Prague late in the night. He had messaged her late last night to check if she reached home safe and sound.

'Did you reach home safely?'


'Are you okay?'


Though he got the responses from Rukma, much against expectations, he did not push for further conversation. He knew deep down after what had happened in that room she will not talk to him. It did bring a momentary relief that she was fine, had reached home hale and hearty. But after that he felt frustrated, he was angry why he could not talk to her normally? Why was she not here- with him? Why he has to apologize for something that was so natural? And she had not said 'No'. He knew enough about intimacy to know that she wanted it, she was with him on that journey of passion. They were consenting adults and even 'married'!

Yash had reached out to him and he had messaged Aditi's contact details for the lawyers meet.  He decided to go to the Club gym to work off his frustration. Many from the business circle frequented the Club and often used the very well appointed gym. He decided to go for the aggressive sports and the trainer invited him to the boxing bouts. He won most of the challenges and had a tough time not causing serious harm to the opponents. The change in his mood was very visible and locker room talk showed that.

'Vit whats up man?' Mihir commented.

'The usual.' Vit responded in a clipped voice. He was in mood to talk.

Everybody started laughing. Vit looked around and everyone had a smile on their face.

'Vit this is nowhere near usual. You are very worked up man.'

Before he could respond, someone chimed in, 'More importantly who has worked you up, we see a lot of pent up energy?'

Laughter again.

Vit sighed, he was thinking, oh no not again....he had just been ragged at Prague.

'Guys don't rag him, he is already engaged.' Laughter.

Vit wanted to say, I am married and not engaged. Instead he pasted a smile on his face and decided to take the ragging. He probably deserved it.

'Has she let you in her.....bed? Don't tell me she is giving you a tough time.' The speaker winked.

'And if she has been playing tough to get, I have a full list of options you can spend all the passion on.'

Damn, Vit was reminded of a list of his own, and he wanted nothing to do with any of them.

'Anyway you are coming for Param's roka on the weekend. You can think of a temporary respite , after all it is at your farmhouse. You can show someone around.' <wink>

'That is indeed a good option.' Vit decided to jump in.

The banter continued for some time and many promised to meet at the event. Vit finally felt relieved when he walked out of the locker room and drove to office. His pent up energy was spent and he felt better. The way things were going his visits to the gym were likely to be more regular.

At another end of the city, there was another kind of frenzy

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At another end of the city, there was another kind of frenzy. In a room there were at least half a dozen women practicing dance steps to Bollywood medley. They had two problems, Param was constantly calling Vanya and therefore she was distracted. The second was that Rukma and Aditi had not come back from shopping. Everyone had almost finished the rehearsals by the time they arrived.

'Hey girls, how is it going? We got good food for all of you.' Rukma declared as she walked in carrying the shopping bags.

'Dear Param is calling Vanya every 10 minutes, she cannot rehearse her steps!'

'Agrhh, do one thing make it a couple dance, let them dance together!!', Aditi suggested mischievously.

'This better be taken seriously. That might keep him a bit busy.' the frustrated choreographer said with a smile. All agreed that the next time Param calls he will get his homework of steps to practice.

'So that settles that. Now lets us get to the dress code.We have got these six dresses for you all bridesmaids. This is in Vanya's favorite color baby pink, the skirt is same for all but the blouse and chunni are different for all. Pick the one you want!! First come first serve!!' Aditi announced.

There was one additional set, Rukma asked 'Who is missing, one is extra set is here

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There was one additional set, Rukma asked 'Who is missing, one is extra set is here.'

Aditi looked at her and smiled, 'This one is for you Rook. You are also an eligible unattached female.'

'Dits I am older than Vanya!' Rukma protested.

'But that is no reason someone may not fall in love with you! Do you want me to remind you of the recent events?' Aditi responded with a wink.

'Okay I agree to wear this, but you will have to dance with Jai,' Rukma asked Aditi.

Jai was very shy and never danced at any of the events. Aditi decided this was a small sacrifice.

'Agreed, it is a deal.'

Rukma and Aditi shook hands. The choreography was changed to them starting as two friends dancing and then switching to a couple dance. Aditi dutifully texted the steps to Jai to practice.

Jai called up to ask if Aditi was okay. She told him that they will discuss in the evening.

After dinner, Jai and Aditi were sitting together in the living room when Jai asked about the message.

'Hey Dits, ?'

'Yes  Vic.' Meaning of Jai in Hindi is victory and Aditi used Vic as the short version.

'You sent me some dance practice.'

'Yes we have been asked to dance together at Vanya's Roka  on the weekend.'

'And why should I honor that request.' Jai was looking into Aditi's eyes.

'Because Rukma asked for it, and believe me that she is closer to a proper relationship than ever before. That is why I accepted the dare.' She was holding Jai's hand.

'Then I will dance with you madam. It is time that that girl got settled. By the way will we get to meet the guy?' Jai asked with a smile.

'Yes we should, after all it is his farmhouse where the party is hosted.' she answered with smile.

Both of them had long carried the guilt of Rukma's sacrifice for Chetan that led to their marriage. This was why the usually reserved Jai was agreeing to shake a leg with his wife in a public event. He followed his wife into the study to practice the steps.


Author's note: Society treats unattached men and women differently. It is our friends that often keep us on track to happiness!

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