Author's Note: People please comment to share your thoughts, it encourages me to write :)
Without votes and comments the speed of chapters being written and published will slow down!!
So here is a short chapter ! Do remember that Vit is driving Rukma to her home and that is the next chapter :) So do share and comment what you think the conversation will be :)
Just as Vit and Rukma started walking towards Vit's car, Jai brought up the car to the foyer and was shocked that Rukma was walking away in a different direction. Thinking that he would stop Rukma, Aditi signaled Jai to keep quiet. Aditi slid into the passenger seat quickly.
'Why is Rukma not coming with us?'
Aditi pointed to Rukma settling in Vit's car. Jai followed Aditi's signal and focused on Rukma and Vit driving on in the shiny Red and Black Mustang.
'I think this was the guy who danced with her during the event' Jai said recognizing Vit quickly.
'Yes he is the one.' Aditi confirmed.
'Is that the guy you were talking about earlier, the one that has a chance with her?' Jai asked Aditi while putting the car in slow motion and joining the queue out of the farmhouse.
'Yes he is the one that I think she is in love with him and he also seems interested in her.' Aditi shared her opinion.
'Why do you think so?' Jai asked.
'Well, we were ready to take a detour and drop off Rook. She wanted to prioritize us taking care of the kids. She was talking of taking a taxi. And he offers to drop her off saying he is going in the same direction'
'So? Why is that unusual? How does it show his interest?'
'Because he did not need to drive 50 kms in the night to drop off Rook.'
'So he might be heading home and dropping Rook while taking a bit of detour.'
'Jai, he owns this farmhouse, he was supposed to stay here tonight. He had absolutely no need to drive anywhere ! Let alone going 50 kms to drop Rook home in the night!'
'Wow!! yes it takes a man who is interested in a woman to drive that far. It is his farmhouse, no wonder his car was parked here at the prime spot.' Jai observed.
'Yes he is definitely interested in her, he followed her to Prague.' Aditi was smiling now.
'And what about her? Is she also interested in him?' Jai was looking at Aditi intently. They had hit the highway now and the car was moving at a fast speed.
'Well, she loves him but she needs proper commitment from him, which he is still not giving.'
'What do you mean?'
'That he is engaged to Maira Ray.'
'Ohh Rook will have an issue with that. So how do you know that she loves him?'
'There is a long history but the sum total is that she is allowing him to drop her despite having slapped him thrice already!'
'So he has tried to be physical with her?' Jai sounded concerned.
'Don't worry, she says he is even more of a gentleman than you!'
Jai started laughing, and when we continued for one full minute, Aditi looked at him quizzically.
'You said she has slapped him thrice!!'
'He tried to kiss her or something?'
'More than a kiss, she has named him Frog.'
'But she slapped him whenever he tried something'
'Yes I assume so...' Aditi said.
'So three times he tired, yikes knowing Rook I am not surprised.' Jai was still laughing.
'Can I ask why are you laughing?' Aditi was now bugged with Jai.
'Rook, the man is frustrated. He was punching people in the Club gym yesterday. He was looking for a fight. Everyone guessed that it was girl problem. Just that I did not know our dear Rook was the cause.' Jai was still smiling.
'Wow I did not know that!'
'Yeah imagine the fun I will have at the Club tomorrow. Finally I will have more of gossip than anyone else.' Jai was smiling as if it was a great achievement.
'Jai I never knew you to be a gossip monger!' Aditi was smiling at her husband's transformation.
'First time I must have surprised you with gossip Dits. This was my googly and I got you out.' Jai shared the cricket reference about stumping Dits.
'Well that is true!'
'By the way why do you think this relationship has a future?', Jai was talking in a singsong fashion.
'Because Rook and Vit are already married.' Now Dits was smiling. Jai almost banged the car into the divider in the middle of the road.

Billionaire's 'lost' wife
Storie d'amoreAmong top #200 in passion; highest this week #135 Top 10 in Billionaire Top 100 in Indian Chapters updated and there will be editing to streamline the story for the Wattys! 'The question is what are you trying to do here! Whenever I try to talk se...