Author's note: This incident happens few days after Vit has flown to Prague to chase Rukma.I decided to complete the conference piece and then bring up meanwhile what was happening in India.....
Uncle and Yash were deep in conversation when Varun came to request money for additional tech equipment as Vit had gone to Prague for the week. Vit was the patron for the techies in the family and usually helped them financially and sometimes technically. Uncle and Yash were surprised at the request.
'Everybody knows that Vit has traveled, but how do you know about Prague?' Yash asked.
'Why, because that is where the cellphone traveled, and Vit flew out that evening so this is not rocket science.' Varun explained unable to understand what the big deal was.
'Cellphone traveled to Prague?' Uncle repeated in surprise.
'Yeah the one Vit wanted to trace. I bet it is the same one for which he bought the unblock software.' Varun responded with a wink and a smile as if sharing a secret.
Uncle and Yash took a few minutes to process the information. Yash asked, 'What is the software used for?'
'Well one week back there was a number which Vit wanted to unblock but he would not reveal much. He would not share the number or why he needed the unblock. So this software allows him to send messages to a phone number that might have blocked him. '
Uncle and Yash exchanged a look and Yash said, 'You can leave the request details here, I will ask Param to get the stuff for you. In the meantime, is there anything else he said about why he needed all this?
'Ohh, not at all. He is playing his cards close to his chest, so it is either corporate espionage or clandestine affair. My bet would be on corporate espionage given how dry that fuddy duddy (a person who is old-fashioned and fussy) is. ' Varun said with a smile.
When uncle and Yash looked at him in shock for two full minutes, Varun realized Yash was in similar age bracket as Vit and uncle was much older than the fuddy duddy! He apologised for his language, and thought of running out as quickly as possible.
'She had blocked him!' Yash let out the breath he did not realise he had been holding onto. Of course he could not tell Varun they knew who had blocked Vit and it was not even remotely business related.
Uncle had an opposite reaction. Yash could see that he was thinking for one full minute.
'Can you check if this Rukma is in Prague as well? Ask your team to check, this is becoming a problem. ' He asked Yash after a lot of thought.
Later in the night Yash called up to confirm that Rukma had traveled to Prague for a conference. Uncle recollected that he had connected with his friend Prof Mulligan regarding Vit's visit. He asked Yash to confirm if Rukma was a part of that conference. When the response was affirmative he immediately asked to connect to the local house to check with the staff what Vit was doing. When he came to know that Vit had stayed at the house for only one day, he asked Yash to report at his office early morning to know what was happening.
Uncle started with Param to see if the PA knew anything. 'Did you know that Vit had 'followed' Rukma to Prague?'
'Not at all. He fooled me into believing that he is going for business purposes!'
'Yash, did you get a report of his activities in Prague?'
'I called up the staff and also connected with Prof Mulligan. It seems that from the second night itself Vit checked into the same hotel as rest of the delegates.'
'Are you saying that he shifted to the same hotel as Rukma mam!!' Param was shocked at his boss' behavior.
Shocked, processing the information, uncle commented 'Vit shifting to a hotel from a well maintained house? Staying at the same hotel! On purpose!! She wants an annulment and he wants a divorce. This is not making sense, unless.....he is chasing the girl!'
Yash knew that this must be a big concern for uncle for him to make such a comment despite years of discipline. He agreed, 'Yes that is what it seems.'
It rang alarm bells in the heads of both Yash and Param as well when they realised how uncharacteristically Vit had behaved. They remained silent trying to wrack their heads to make sense of what was happening.
Uncle, on the other hand was aghast. 'She has asked for annulment and he meets her alone at her house, and now chases her outside India, he shifts to the same hotel as her!!'
Trying to move back to legal matters, Yash added, 'Yes that gives them a chance to claim a relationship and with that they can any day change the filing to divorce.'
Uncle thought for a moment, 'How many days have passed since she asked for annulment?'
Yash looked into the papers and said, 'Two weeks and a few days.'
'This indecision has gone for too long and Vit is behaving like a kid. Plan a lawyers meet even if we do not decide either way. I want this sorted. Param you can continue checking from the other angles. '
Param nodded in agreement. 'Anyway my roka or per-engagement function is planned for this weekend. I have messaged boss and he has allowed me the use of his farmhouse. I will meet many of the University folks who had traveled to Prague.'
'Sure uncle but we will have to wait for both of them to return to India. I think they return tomorrow evening or night,' Yash suggested.
'Yes, I understand but make it quick, schedule this as soon as possible..... As soon as they land, I want a legal agreement. If this leaks into media, it will be a mess! I do not want any mess, we do not even know how the Singhania's will react. '
'Agreed uncle we need to close this marriage as soon as possible.' Yash said.
Looking directly at Yash, uncle said, 'Keep in mind if this continues we will need to take action soon. For all we know this marriage might stick.'
Yash was speechless on hearing uncle's last remark. It sounded cryptic. Both Param and Yash stepped out of the office in a bit of daze and proceeded to complete the tasks they had been assigned.

Billionaire's 'lost' wife
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