Vit landed late afternoon and headed straight to office while luggage was sent home. He had been away for a week, but also he wanted to avoid being alone so that the thoughts of his 'wife' would not trouble him. It was late night by the time he was back in RR and dinner was in the last stages. When asked about his trip he focused on the business aspects and did not even mention the conference. He did notice uncle eyeing him closely and after dinner told him to meet in his office the first thing in the morning.
When he reached his bedroom he wanted to crash and sleep. He was in no mood to risk thinking of Rukma. However by the time he changed into nightclothes, he realised that he had carried Rukma's clip in person throughout the day. It lay in one of the pockets in his jacket. He took it out and was placed it next to the danglers and the roll of thread in the hidden wardrobe drawer. He stared at the drawer for a long time and thought of Rukma in his arms, the kisses, the way she looked simply beautiful and the way she had repeatedly presented at the various conferences. He shook his head and lay in the bed again with phone in his hand, scrolling through her pictures trying to make sense of things. Finally sleep claimed him and the phone fell on the floor.
Morning came and after breakfast Vit went to provide status update to uncle, Yash and Param in uncle's office. Uncle as usual was seated on his chair and Yash sat across the desk. Vit stood in a corner leaning against the wall, he needed support to go through this, especially if he had to keep the bedroom incident a secret. Param was plopped on the sofa on one side, as usual lounging around.
'So Vit how was the trip?' uncle asked.
'It went well uncle, I visited the factories and the offices. I looked through the numbers and have sent the decisions over to them. ' Vit decided to stick on official matters.
'Who all did you meet?'
'Ohh a lot of people at the office.'
'And what about the conference?' uncle asked looking straight at Vit.
For the first time in his adult life Vit was caught lying by uncle red-handed. 'Ohh, I ran into Prof Mulligan and he pulled me into participate in the conference.'
'How did you run into Mulligan? He was visiting our office?'
'No...err.... I had stepped out for dinner and most of the delegates were at that hotel. Prof caught hold of me and even made me judge one of the events.' Vit decided to share some of the truth.
'Interesting, so who all you met there?'
Vit had an inkling that uncle somehow knew of what had happened. 'Well, loads of people were there- Rahul, Mihir and so many more......'
'...including Rukma?' uncle prodded.
Vit was surprised and shocked as to how uncle knew and importantly how much he knew.
'Yes I did meet her, she was one of the key delegates at the conference. She presented one of the important papers. In fact she was a fellow judge for one of the events.' He decided to come out with as much facts as he could. He was proud of her achievement but was careful not to let it show.
Uncle looked at Vit directly to ensure he got it right, 'So you met her multiple times. You stayed in the same hotel and were fellow judges for an event.'
'Yes uncle.'
'And this is with a woman who has filed for annulment.'
'Yes uncle.'
'Vit, do you understand how stupid that sounds? Especially when you are engaged to someone else!'
Again the cursed engagement! Vit pursed his lips and reluctantly agreed, 'Yes, uncle.'

Billionaire's 'lost' wife
RomanceAmong top #200 in passion; highest this week #135 Top 10 in Billionaire Top 100 in Indian Chapters updated and there will be editing to streamline the story for the Wattys! 'The question is what are you trying to do here! Whenever I try to talk se...