Chapter 26- Saree (whole) fault!

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Rukma had not changed out of her saree she had worn at the event, so her mild perfume was now mixed with sweat and her scent. By now the heady mixture had driven Vit out of his sensible self, he put an arm around her waist and pulled her up and said congratulations very softly. Next moment his lips touched hers in possession and she felt that she melted in his arms. His hands were massaging the back of her neck and he started to nibble at her ear and then started to plant soft kisses at the side of her neck. Her hair had been tied into a bun with the help of a beautiful hairpin. Vit pulled it out to let her hair fall free.

His hands moved to the exposed skin of her back and he started to massage it, knead it and pull her even closer to his body. His blood was heated with passion and he wanted more, to smell her, touch her and taste her. Her moans were getting louder and she she gripped his shoulders to balance herself. He went for her lips again and her response left no questions in his mind, she was with him completely on the journey of passion.

He picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed few meters away. He put her down softly on the bed and climbed next to her. Before she could register what was happening he had pulled her close and was kissing her passionately. Her saree had come off from the top of her body and he moved to kiss the base of her neck and the area just above her breasts. The blouse had left the cleavage or the valley between the breasts exposed and when Vit kissed it Rukma let out a moan and arched her back to allow him more access to her body.

Vit had propped himself on his elbows around Rukma to keep his weight off her. After covering her cleavage with kisses, he moved to one area that he really felt was the core of her body and this was the stomach and navel that is exposed by a saree. He would later blame the garment design for his desires, but in the present he was massaging it, feeling the soft skin under his fingers. Rukma never expected this assault on her senses, this was a desire she had never expected or experienced. Her moans were growing louder as she tried to process these new sensations.

Vit bent on her and kissed her navel and stomach, his desire was running rampant. While Rukma was moaning with pleasure, these sensations being absolutely new for her. The rational part of the brain completely lost to the sensual part and her moans were a testimony to that. Vit wanted to go further but was not sure how to proceed. So he held her to flip her and tried to hold her above him. The balance was disturbed and she landed next to him on the bed.

And that is when sense returned for Rukma. She stilled and realizing this, Vit also stopped and moved a few inches away. They were still lying on the bed, a few inches apart.

'I have not been intimate with anyone in a forgive me if I act a bit crude....' Vit wanted to make sure Rukma felt comfortable as they move further.....he somehow remembered that probably Rukma had very little experience...did she not ask him for a 'wedding night'.....somehow some memories returned whenever he was close to her...

This startled Rukma and she sat up, started to fix her clothes and looked up to Vit and told him, 'Stay away from me!'

Vit took offense, propped himself on his hands and said, 'Why? We were in this responded to me...don't tell me that I read it wrong!'

Rukma sat up and looked at him, 'I know that! I am not accusing you of forcing yourself on me!'

Vit also sat up facing her, 'So what is your problem in being with me?' He was puzzled what was her problem, they were both consenting adults even if you discount the 'marriage.'

Rukma was angry now, 'Because I am not your use and throw! I do not get physically involved ....with anyone....just like that'

Now this had Vit puzzled, 'What do you mean?'

Rukma got off the bed and tried to fix her saree so that she could run out of the room. 'What I mean is that I do not jump into bed with anyone! This is a serious matter for me! So do not think I will be agree to a casual relationship!'.

'Though my memory is still patchy but I do remember you request for a 'wedding night.' Vit finally said what he had been thinking for a long time.

 'I said it because I thought we were both going to die. There was no harm in consummating a marriage. I wondered how bad it could be!' Rukma had her hands on her hips by now. Rukma was shocked that he remembered her request for a 'wedding night'. The time when she thought lucky to be married to a man who was considerate, intelligent and handsome. It was his response to her request that had killed whatever romance she was left in her heart.

Vit was curious now, 'And what was my response?' By now Vit was also off the bed and moved to the edge of the room to give Rukma space.

Rukma had a sarcastic smile on her face, 'So even if I thought you were okay as the last man on earth, you told me clearly that you were not interested in me even if I was the last woman on earth!'

It took Vit a few minutes to process what he was hearing, clearly his body and hormones were telling him a different story. They wanted her and they wanted her madly, badly and passionately. Something was definitely lost in the translation and his memories of why he would say such a thing to her. Today he would jump at such an offer and probably ask for a 'wedding month'. It her eyes, her face that always swam in front of his eyes whenever he was close to other women.

'I also don't take all this lightly either. I have not been in any relationship since last year. '

Rukma let out a sarcastic laugh at that. 'Really no relationship in the last one year Vit? What is an engagement then? We both know that you are engaged to someone else for more than six months now!'

The entire conversation came back to his cursed engagement. Vit decided to be candid, 'It was my family's decision. I had lost my memory and had no way of proving that our 'marriage' or you existed. So I had no way to stop them from finding an appropriate girl- a bride for Rajeva family.'

This was always where Rukma was not sure whether to laugh or cry. She mimicked Vit, 'an appropriate girl- bride for Rajeva family. Something you told me clearly that I am not. Please carry on the relationship with your appropriate girl. ' She wanted to desperately move out of the room.

Vit was unable to even picture his fiance, let alone think of getting intimate with her. He did not like being taunted about his relationship. "I have not been ee...rrrr... close to her...and anyway that is none of your business.' He was being defensive but that was his only option.

'I agree, and in the same way my relationships are none of your business'. She was moving towards the edge of the room to step out and close this discussion.

Her response made him angry, 'What has Jakes offered you? How far involved are you with him'

Rukma lost her mind and slapped Vit hard.

'If your relationships are none of my business then my relationship with anyone is none of you business. You can sign the documents and send them to my lawyer. There is no need for us to meet.' Rukma said and stormed out of the room.


Author's note: This was becoming a very long chapter so I had to break it here. We will look at the aftermath in the next chapter.

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