Chapter 51- Stratagems

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Author's Note- Strategies- planned and executed!

Let me know who you think did it better :)

Please comment to share what you think. Your comments and votes will motivate me.

The story will be completed tonight. Expect the last 2 chapters soon.


Vit and Jai stood face to face right outside the entrance of the hall, Vit was not feeling courageous enough to step inside after what has just transpired.

'Do you....think I ...should go in and ....apologize?' Vit was not sure.

'I would not advise that, having known her for so long I would say that without solid commitment you should not go anywhere near her. She would not give you time of the day, rather she would think that you just want to use her. That you think of her as the use and throw types. Someone who will use her physically and then leave.' Jai was, to his own surprise, taking up the role of a love guru.

'Yikes, is that why she keeps getting upset whenever something happens?  (Jai nodded a yes) And how do I prove my commitment to her?' Vit wanted solid help.

'Firstly wriggle out of this engagement of yours, put it on the head of someone else. And then stop the marriage from annulment and then approach her.' Jai suggested.

'I will talk to uncle and Yash tomorrow morning itself to see what is possible.' Vit concluded.

'By the way your fiancee was mooning over Mrinal.' Jai gave him a tip.

'Yes I was feeling like a cradle snatcher, they are better suited together. Thanks for the tip bro.' Vit was grateful.

'Another tip you need, approach Chetan first and bring him to you side.' Jai shared the secret.

'That will improve my chances of her saying yes?' Vit was hopeful.

'No it will reduce the amount of beating you will get.' Jai was smiling ear to ear.

Jai was smiling but did not plan to share any of it with his wife-- not now, maybe later when things had worked out. He did not plan to be an idiot like Vit. Once he knew who he loved and who had become the heart of his life, he had ensured that she knew without a doubt that he cared for her.

Vit had a spring in his step, after a long time he saw a clearly what he wanted and it was a future that he liked. And importantly he had a plan, proper plan on how to go about it. In the night in his room he stood in front of the shrine and said it out loud, 'I love you and will prove my commitment to you. I will bring you here with me.' 

Sleep was good after a long time but he woke up early as he had planned. He wandered into the kitchens to check on the breakfast and ensured that uncle's favorite was on the menu for the day. He took a bath and prayed in the family temple asking God's support. When he reached the dining area there were already cousins and their kids moving around. Some were getting ready for office and others were being readied for school. He checked and uncle was enjoying his favorite poha (flattened rice).  Vit joined him and focused on listening to the conversation. At the fag end of the breakfast he requested uncle for some time in his office. 

Vit and uncle walked into his office almost together. Yash's papers still lay on the large desk. Wanting to hide it from uncle, Vit picked up the papers as if to look through them. When uncle settled in his chair and looked up, Vit was busy hiding the papers. Uncle hid a smile. Yash and Param followed in after few minutes and as usual Param flopped on the sofa and Yash sat across from uncle at the desk. 

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