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Do you believe in fate?

 The sound of distant gunfire caught my curiosity. I looked up in confusion from my comfortable spot on the floor, as my sight seemed to be in a trance staring at the entrance to my home. My brain quickly trying to find an explanation to the loud chaotic booms that echoed outside. My body was almost paralyzed; unable to find the strength to even pull myself to my feet. I wanted nothing more than to remain on the floor - but something was almost calling me to go out there.

 "I should definitely wait on Roc to return home..." I bite my inner lip as I felt my anxiety rise. My brother and I lost our parents about 6 years back to some petty war between the Lanes - Zaun's underground and the Piltover Guards. My father had 'borrowed' some money from some money sharks, but once the sharks found out they began to basically hunt us down. My parents grew desperate to pay them back after they had threated to harm all of us, they even went as far as burning down a place of work that my mother worked to provide at least some money to make it day by day resulting in her losing her job and unable to get hired anywhere else; other shop owners became paranoid that if they would hire her that the bad luck would surely follow and would attack their shops next.


 One day they just snapped, quickly looking for any other way to earn money to pay back the sharks. It just led to one stupid idea after another; they began to steal. They robbed people throughout the undergrounds, before gaining enough confidence as well as knowledge before moving to the people above – but it still wasn't enough for them! I remember it like it was yesterday, an 'old friend' of theirs had appeared at our door out of the blue and quickly offered them a deal of a lifetime. It was going to be my parents biggest score ever; to rob Hoskel – who just so happened to be one of the council members. He was a big source of income to their people, even if he kept nearly all of it to himself. They seemed so excited to be offered such a chance, but even at my young age I knew it all sounded too good to be true; and for such an old friend my brother and I have never once even heard of the guy! It just gave my parents even more of a reason to agree to the horrible plan. They promised my brother (17) and I (12) they would be back before the sun could even set; so, we did the only thing kids could do...we waited. Roc had given up after the 1st day. I couldn't blame him – he was his own person I could see why he believed they were gone, but it was only day 1!

 I stayed up for 3 days waiting for that familiar knock at the door, or for it to even open and the be greeted with hugs. Our parents were out there risking their lives for us and all I could do was sit and wait! If only I was older and stronger like my brother, I would have been going out to look for them; but instead, here I was watching the time go by. It wasn't until nearly a week later that I learned the god-awful truth.

 I was sent on my daily errand by my older brother to run down to the underground shops to hopefully grab some bread for whatever he had planned for dinner later that night. He had really taken on the parenting role quite easily. I know it was hard for him to worry about himself as well as his younger sister so I tried to help whenever I could. I had decided to take a short cut that Roc had shown me down by the waterline. Since people tended to stay away from the stream of heavily polluted water, since it gave off almost a greenish hue that scared away smaller children and the smell of dead fish; and the fact the river was polluted with river toxins. Then again it wasn't enough to stop the daredevil older teens from shoving and betting their friends to jump into the water. 


 I gripped the bag of left-over bread tighter; I was thankful I was able to strike a deal with the baker! I gasped as I nearly lost my footing on a small stone. I quickly recovered not wanting to spill what little items I just received! I dusted myself off to calm my nerves, my gaze seemed to shift out to the open water. A flash of red caught my attention. I narrowed my brown eyes at whatever seemed to be floating in the distant. There was a flashing white light reflecting from whatever else was out there, but that didn't really explain the red flash I saw? I bite my lip thinking if it was worth possibly getting in trouble by my brother later. I decided my punishment wouldn't matter when the red flash appeared again almost inviting me into the waters. I set the bag of bread on the ground hoping it was far enough from the water to not get ruined, tossing off my shoes behind me before crawling down off the ledge. I could hear a few gasps from strangers who happened to be looking; I didn't blame them, anyone who willing choose to get in these waters had to have a few screws loose. The cold water felt like it was eating away at my toes as I held onto the sideway ledge thinking over what I was even about to do once more. I took one last deep breathe tying my red hair in a bun for confidence and made my way out into the open dirty waters.

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