17 - What Could've Been - Epilogue

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"Se-ri-ya, can't you go on maternity leave?" Jeong-hyeok asks Se-ri. "Your 34 weeks pregnant, you should get some rest, Se-ri."

"Give me until next week, love. I'll settle some stuff at the hospital and I'll go on maternity leave alright?" She tells him. "Could we pick Chae-rin up now? That little missy will get mad at us."

"Well she definetely got that from you." Jeong-hyeok teases.

"Oh you did not, Ri Jeong Hyeok. I will kill you come here." She chases the already running Jeong-hyeok.

They had been married for over a year now and were expecting another little one in a few weeks. Se-ri and Chae-rin had moved back to Seoul with Jeong-hyeok. Se-ri now worked as a Gynecologist in one of the best hospitals in Korea. Jeong-hyeok now inherited his father's position as the chairman of their company.They were happy as a family now, after all those years of what could've beens in Se-ri's mind, they finally came true. Her and Jeong-hyeok were married, they had a little cute missy and were expecting another little one.

She was above all grateful she was given another chance to be able to live the life she had dreamed of. Though yes, she had imperfections in life, she was yet just a normal person who made mistakes.

Now, the what could've beens in her mind were different. Now it was, what if they didn't meet that day? What if Seo Dan went to another Gynecologist? Where would they be today? What could've happened to them. But all that happened just proves, they were destined and fated to love one another.

Her thoughts were broken when she felt a cold sensation betwene her feet. "Jeong-hyeok, could you call eommoni and ask her if she could pick Chae-rin up.

"Why? Are you alright?"

"We're gonna have to go to the hospital Jeong-hyeok, my water broke."

"Mwo?" He shouts while taking a sharp turn towards the hospital's direction that wasn't too far away yet.


Se-ri's now in the delivery room pushing, along with Jeong-hyeok for moral support. He wasn't gonna miss it for the second time around.

Tired was an understatement for Se-ri, she was exhausted to the core. But she knew all this would result into another little one of theirs. When sleep was about to claim her, she was awoken when a stifle cry was finally heard after minutes of pushing.

"Hello little one, eomma loves you so much." Se-ri utters.

"Thank you for bringing her into this world love, I love you." Jeong-hyeok thanks her.

Another cry is heard making Se-ri unclaimable by sleep.

"Here you go eomma, little boy looks quite handsome for a newborn." The doctor confesses giggling.

"Hello you handsome guy, I love you so much." Se-ri tells the little human being on her chest.

And on that beautiful evening, Ri Chae Yoon and Ri Tae Gu are born. A beautiful pair of twins gifted to the two parents.

Hello Everyone! Part 17! 8 days 'till Christmas! Here's the promised epilogue for all of you out there and featured our TN couple. To all PH readers please do all stay safe there! Thank you all for supporting this short AU of mine. I hope all of you enjoyed this story. Thank you all so much!

Again, votes, suggestions, feedback, and comments are deeply appreciated.

'Till the next.
Love you all!

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