23 - Over A Picture - 4

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Ye Jin's day wasn't as joyful as it was for the past 5 years. She felt like a cut that once healed was reopened again. When she had thought she had moved on, she actually hasn't. When she thought those feings were long gone, they still were lingering around and just a little bit more they would be lit once again.

Well it was finally 1 in the afternoon almost finishing all that she needed to do she was excited to go home to her daughter.

"Ms. Kim. What else is scheduled?

"You have a meeting scheduled at 1 they should probably arrive soon."

that moment Bin entered the room.

"Am I late ladies?"

"Not at all sir, I'll give you and daepyonim some privacy."

When Ms. Kim shuts the door it was go time.

"Hello Mr. Hyun, what do you need?"

"I need an explanation Ye Jin. That's what I need."

"Why would you need an explanation Mr. Hyun?"

"8 letters 3 words, Son Ae Jin. Is she my daughter?"

"Mr. Hyun, I don't think you deserve an explanation. If you weren't able to give me a chance years ago, I won't give it to you either."

"Please, Yej. I'm begging you. Please, after a these years I've realized what I did. I was wrong Yej. I should've given you a chance. I'm so sorry I was so dumb, I'm so sorry that I allowed my father to fool me and let ny love for you prevail. Yej, I'm so sorry. For everything. I understand if you won't forgive me, but please. Please let me spend time with our daughter. Please Yej. That's all I want." He apologizes. Voice filled with regret, sorrow, and sadness. Tears flowing uncontrollably onto his face pleading, asking for forgiveness from the woman in front of him.

"Bin, you know what I wanted? I wanted for us to be happy, happy with Ae Jin and what could've been our future children. That's all I wanted Bin. All my heart wanted was an apology from you Bin! If you had apologized to me before I left, I would've given you a chance. But why did it take you 5 years! 5 freaking years Bin! You wasted five years."
She broke down to tears.

"Yej, I'm so sorry. Please, please give me one more chance. I'm so sorry Yej." He pleaded once more.

"You know Bin, I was always confused as a kid why my father had brought me to that foster home when I was a kid. I always thought 'Why did appa leave me? Does he not love me anymore?' That thought was something I never wanted my future children to think Bin!"

"Please Yej, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being so dumb." He pleaded once again.

"Bin if you know how hard it is to find a reason for an innocent little child to understand as to why her father isn't present in her life. Bin all she wanted everytime I ask her what she wants is a father, she longed for a father figure all her life Bin!" She shouted. Eyes bloodshot red from all the tears pouring out of her eyes. "Everytime parents are needed at school events, she always asks where you are. If you only knew Bin, it felt like I was being stabbed in the heart. That time you told me you loved me Bin, I felt so assured that you wouldn't allow the past happen once again Bin, but what did you do? You broke me into pieces Bin. I loved you with all my heart, I waited for you like hell Bin. I still had faith in you, that you'd come back and ask for another chance, realize your mistakes and start over. You're the only person I loved and trusted Bin and for the sake of Ae Jin I'll let you be with her. I'll let you spend time with her, I'll let you tell her your her father. Your free to do anything with her Bin, I don't want my daughter to live a life like me. I only want one thing in return, love her so much, don't make her feel unworthy of herself, make sure to love her with all your heart Bin. That's all I want." She pours out all she has wanted to say for the past years. Anger, pain, sorrow all out of her. Everything she has kept to herself she finally pours out.

"Thank you so much Yej, I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much for this chance you've given me. I promise to Yej. I'll love her so much. I'm so sorry Yej, I will never be able to return the chances you've given me. I won't waste this chance you've given me." Bin thanks her trying to control himself from crossing the line and hugging her.

Hello Everyone! Part 23! 2 more days 'till Christmas! I'm sorry if I made all of you hate Bin a little bit. But I hope all of you enjoy this! Thank you all for the love and support you have given me!

Again, votes, feedback, suggestions, and comments are deeply appreciated.

'Till the next.
Love you all!

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