22 - Over A Picture - 3

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Ye Jin wasn't able to sleep from what happened last night. Luckily she had been able to sleep 3 hours that night it was better then none.

Ye Jin got her and Ae Jin ready for the school event they were attending.

Ye Jin was preparing her laptop for Ae Jin's school event as she joined she saw how many people were there.

Just before the class started Ye Jin hyped her lovely daughter dressed in a beautiful pink dress with a ribbon in her hair styled into a ponytail.

"Fighting my love! You can do it!"

"You too eomma! We can do this!"

And they shared a warm embrace...

As the event started Ae Jin was seated in her study as she was sitting on her cute chair that belonged to her little study table.

While Ye Jin was sitting out of the camera's view but sat near her daughter to guide her.

Each student was going to introduce themself and also introduce their parents or guardians. As Ae Jin was now picked she gave her daughter a good big smile.

"Hello everyone! My name is Ae Jin Son. I am a fullblooded Korean but I was born and raised her in Switzerland. I want to become a businesswoman when I grow up because I want to follow in my eomma's footsteps and help her grow the company. Here is my eomma everyone."

Ye Jin enters the camera frame and introduces herself.

"Hello everyone! I'm Ae Jin's mother, Ye Jin Son. As Ae Jin has said we are full blood Koreans but we have decided to stay here in Switzerland. Thank you so much for having us." Ye Jin smiled after her statement.

"Ok Ae Jin who would you like to go next?" Ae Jin's teacher asks.

"I would like Joon Yoo to go next teacher!"

As Ae Jin's classmate started introducing himself Ye Jin excused herself to the bathroom.


Well what a surprise Joon Yoo's guardian was none other that the Hyun Bin. Oh for goodness sake Ye Jin was about to faint.

Ye Jin didn't know what to do all she could do was end the meeting connecting Ae Jin to her class.

"Eomma why did you leave?"

"Sorry my love, I forgot to tell you earlier. Teacher told me once your done with your introduction you could leave. What about we go to your favorite restaurant?"

"Oh yay eomma! Let's go! Gaja!"

Oh how gutwrenching it was to hear Bin's voice after she introduced herself to everyone in the class she was Ae Jin's eomma. How would she get away with this for goodness sake it was a mess.


Ye Jin and Ae Jin were having lunch at Ae Jin's favorite restaurant enjoying the food. Well only Ae Jin of course Ye Jin was distracting herself by eating but she had no appetite to eat.

After eating Ye Jin took Ae Jin shopping to divert her attention to shopping. Since shopping therapy cures everything anyway right? Well in Ye Jin's case it isn't. Only Ae Jin enjoyed the whole time but seeing her daughter happy already means the world to her.


Ye Jin and Ae Jin come home to a sulking hal-abeoji.

"Abeoji what's wrong?"

"Well, you didn't invite me?"

"Mianhae hal-abeoji"

"Ani, it's okay hal-abeoji is just joking"

After Ye Jin gets Ae Jin to sleep it's time to discuss her problem with her abeoji.

"Abeoji, could we talk"

"Sure Ye Jin-ah, come take a seat"

"Thank you abeoji" as she sits down.

"What's the matter my love? Is it about Bin?"

"Well yes abeoji, you remember Ae Jin's event at school earlier?"

Her father nods

"Well guess what, I had introduced myself as Ae Jin's eomma and to the surprise of my life Ae Jin's classmate's guardian was Bin. The kid Bin was guarding was his bestfriend's son. And I'm pretty sure Bin knows about Ae Jin now abeoji it hurts my head abeoji"

"Well Ye Jin-ah I will only give you advice I want you to solve this on you own my love, whatever you think is right I'll support you."

"Thank you abeoji." As the father-daughter embrace in a warm hug.


Meanwhile, Bin was more of a different wreck with his bestfriend Jung Hyun staying to talk to him when he and his wife picked Joon Yoo up.

"So is the child yours bro?"

"Jung Hyun, I dont know. How would I know?

"But bro how could she do that to you? How could she hide your child from you?"

"Well those are questions that don't have answers yet Jung Hyun! Your wife is waiting for you now go I have to solve this problem."

Hello Everyone! Part 22! 3 days 'till Christmas! Hope all of you enjoy! Thank you all for the love and support you have given me!

Again, votes, feedback, suggestions, and comments are deeply appreciated.

'Till the next.
Love you all!

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