We feel the same.

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Chaeyoung though was just a kid at that time to really know about what  love was but that didn't stop her from what she felt for Miss Myoui. She may still be immature right now but she did know what she felt for Miss Myoui was not just a mere crush, she was different from any other teacher and after that particular day her feelings for her became stronger than before however she also knows that such liking was not accepted in the society and it is considered as a taboo and on top of that she fell in love with a teacher so it was not only bad for her but for Miss Myoui too.. so yet again this made her nervous and cuz of that she decided to make a foolish move i.e. to ignore Miss Myoui again in order to get rid of these feelings

She couldn't somehow control it..it was during her Christmas break she realized that she just can't ignore it, she loves her teacher a lot.

However Fate didn't seem to be on her side as when she returned to her school after her winter break she found out that Miss Myoui no longer works in her school. It crushed her heart knowing that just when you realized that you are deeply in love with someone but that someone just leaves you behind with these feelings for you to suffer.


It has already been 4 years since Miss Myoui stopped working in her school. People say "world is such a small place" but for Chaeyoung it was not..Miss Myoui and her though living in the same country, same province, just a few blocks away from each other, it would probably take only 30 mins if she had to go on foot to her house but not a single time they encountered with each other.
At times Chaeyoung and her friends tend to pass her house but she never got a glimpse of the Japanese.

As Chaeyoung grew older she knew her feelings for her teacher was not just a simple crush over someone it was deep. She loved her dearly but at times this same love frustrated her, gave her immense pain as to why she has to feel things for someone who doesn't even care whether she's alive or not. She tried her best to move on, she really tried. Her relationship with Jungkook was the same, they didn't break up n they're together for 5 years now but they were an on and off couple.

You may think if Chaeyoung was so deeply in love with her Japanese teacher then why didn't she Break up with him and why is she giving JK a false hope n leading him on. Well Chaeyoung did break up with JK because she too felt that she can't lead him own when she's in love with someone else and yeah they were off for a year but still remained best friends.

They spent most of the time together and eventually JK once again told her about his feelings for her and that he still loves her and since he's now very much matured he meant everything what he said. From the time he was still a kid, his heart belonged to Chaeyoung and only Chaeyoung and no one else. Chaeyoung couldn't understand why is it so hard to unlove someone, she could relate to JK so much as she too felt the same thing but sadly it was not JK, it was her Miss Myoui..More than 4 years it has been but still her beats for no one else but her Miss Myoui.

However she thought that it's better to let go of something she knows isn't going to work. She gave up, though not her feelings but she was tired waiting. She wanted to go and confront about her feelings but she was scared of being judged and fear of getting hurt and as to how will she react when she gets to know that her former student is in love with her..all these thoughts made Chaeyoung step a back and suppressed all her feelings..
She just smiled and accept his confession.

Now she was in 11th grade. She enrolled herself in one of the most prestigious school "JYP high school". She decided to change her school after passing her  10th grade..

However she was not a bit excited about it. She never felt good coming to this school and after few months of studying here, her intuition did prove her right. She felt suffocated, lonely, and she doesn't feel at ease it's like she had to pretend everything. The teachers were really good as expected but they seemed to favour the old timers more and don't give a fuck about the new students. Chaeyoung was not feeling good. She missed Dahyun and Tzuyu, her best friends. They parted their ways as Tzuyu went back to Taiwan while Dahyun had to go back to America since her father got a better job there. As for Jungkook, he has already passed his high school so he was doing his further studies though in Korea itself but in different province.

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