The Truth

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Morning came and everything was different. As usual, Chaeyoung woke up and made the breakfast. As they all sat and started having their breakfast. Wonwoo spoke

- so what's your plan today?

Before Eunwoo can speak, Chaeyoung cut him off..

- Um.. Actually Wonwoo oppa, today we won't be able to join you guys since I've to take him somewhere important but both of you can continue with your things, you don't have to worry about us.

- But Chaeng, it's only been two days since we came here so isn't it too early?

- no buts. Remember the pact we made? And also we need to go and meet your parents too today..

- Ok as you wish my queen..

- Do you want us to take you?

- uh.. actually I already had all the arrangements done but thank you for your help.

- ok. It's gonna be so boring without you guys. But I hope tomorrow we can spend the time together?

- Yeah sure.

During their whole conversation, Mina didn't speak a word, she was just not in the mood to speak to anyone. She glanced at Chaeyoung once who didn't even bother to look at her. She was not in the mood to go anywhere but she had to go to a place to figure some things out.

As Chaeyoung and Eunwoo left for the hospital, Mina acted as if she got a call and as she end the call, she turned to Wonwoo.

- I just got a call from one of my colleagues, they're having a problem regarding the finalization of a game that I developed few months back and they need my assistance so I won't be able to join you today. I'm so sorry..

Wonwoo was of course sad. He was now left alone but he just gave Mina a smile and said

- No problem, this must be important so go. You don't have to worry about me. I'll just find something to do but come back soon ok..since Chaeyoung and Eunwoo won't be back until midnight.

- Sure. I'm sorry again.

With that Mina gave him a goodbye kiss and left the house. As she reached to garage, she dialed a number from her contact list.

- Can you meet at the Im's Cafe right now. I'll be there in 15 mins

- Why all of a sudden?

- I need to clear some things out.

- ok.

Mina then got in her car and drove to the location.  As she reached there, she already got a glimpse of the person she called earlier. It's been more than a year since she saw him. The man waved at her which she replied with a smile..

- hey Mina, long time no see..

The man greeted the lady.

- you too Jimin-shi.. How have you been?

- Good, healthy, wealthy and wise. So why did you want to meet up?

- Can we first go inside? I'm cold you know.

- oh..sorry sorry. I got excited. Come, let's go.

They went inside and took their seats.

- so what is it?

Mina then left a sigh.

- I want you to tell me everything Jimin, everything you know.

- What do you mean?

- about Chaeyoung.

- Why? All of a sudden?

-let me get straight to the point. Chaeyoung came back and she and her boyfriend is and will be staying at my fiance's house and spend their vacation with us. Yesterday, Chaeyoung and I had a very big fight...

Mina told Him everything and the latter could only sigh multiple times and look at Mina disappointingly...

- Mina, why did you say that if you didn't mean it?

- I was fucking hurt ok. And the fact that she was acting so normal wasn't helping it. She never thought about me. All these years how can I forget the pain I went through? I loved her so dearly but she never did. She never.

- But it's not only about you Mina. Have you ever thought what Chaeyoung felt when you said those words to her? How hurt she must've felt? Everything is not only about you. One thing I know for sure is Chaeyoung did everything  because she loves you. She loves you a lot. Imagine being threatened by her own sister who she loves the most in the world. Irene didn't leave any choice for her. She was scared that her sister will hurt you, destroy everything you've worked so hard in a second. She left you not because she had doubts on your love but because she can't see you suffer because of her. She knew that you'll give up on everything just to be with her, but she also knew how you worked hard day and night, doing multiple part time jobs in order to achieve your dreams. She couldn't ignore that just because she wants to be with you. Even before she went she told me not to tell you all this because she didn't want you to blame yourself or any other negative reason. That day I knew how much the girl Loved you, even more than I did. She may not show it but her action showed it all. You just didn't notice it, you were too blind by your anger that you overlook all these things. I know you suffered too but what about Chaeyoung? Did you ever ask her how she felt? Never. You never did because all this time you were too focused on only how you felt, how she left you..

- But she has Eunwoo now.. She moved on n she looks happy now..

- the fuck Mina? Do you know why she's with Eunwoo all this time? Do you know? Well let me put this here.. Eunwoo has stage 4 glioblastoma and she's there with him to take care of him, she promised his family to be with him till his last breath. Yes, she likes him a lot  but she never loved him like she loved you and she still loves you. Even when she was in America, she always called me just to know how you were doing. She even broke down when I told you how every night you cried calling your name. She knew about you and Wonwoo getting married and you know what she said, she said "I'm happy for her" even though she was not but seeing you living your life with someone who can assure and give you the love that she believed she failed to give, she was happy for you. I know I'm no one to say that but I know that both of love each other a lot and still you both do... But you're holding it back. Chaeyoung is holding herself back.

Jimin said out loud without caring that there are people present in the cafe.. he couldn't stop himself, he felt bad for Chaeyoung because Mina always misunderstood her. Everything that Chaeyoung did was all for Mina and it has always been for was always about Mina. It was always about Mina getting hurt, Mina's broken heart. So he wanted to let Mina know how Chaeyoung suffered too. How the latter always hide her tears and put on a mask only to see her loved ones happy. Jimin was in touch with Chaeyoung all these years which also made the two very close with each other. Everytime the latter called him the first thing she would ask was how Mina is and how was she doing. When he gave her the news about Mina getting married, she just smiled hiding those painful tears, wishing Mina her happiness..

Mina on the other hand was speechless. She was stunned at her place. Guilt, pain, regret..she felt  everything all at once.. all of sudden her sight started getting blurry, her head started throbbing, her heart beating  abnormally fast. And Just after a few seconds, she blacked out..all she could see with her not so open was Jimin shaking her almost lifeless body that had no energy but that was nothing compared to what her heart was feeling.


Birthday special ✌️😊. Just a short one.

But sorry guys I won't be able to update for few weeks but I'll surely comeback with a blast. With more michaeng moments 😊

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