A double date

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Wonwoo insisted Eunwoo and Chaeyoung to stay with them until the end of their vacation. At first, Chaeyoung denied it but Eunwoo had other plans in his mind so he didn't object to their proposal and agreed to it. Chaeyoung gave him a what the fuck look but Eunwoo didn't care less to notice that. Chaeyoung stole a glance at Mina but it seems that the latter was unbothered with any of this  so she finally gave in. Wonwoo's house was big enough to accompany the 4 of them easily. The house had 2 master bedrooms and 2 guest rooms with bathrooms attached. Mina was also staying with him though in different bedrooms. Both of them decided to stay together in order to get to know each other more and spend time together before they get married.
Everything seemed fine for Mina until she heard that Eunwoo and Chaeyoung will be sharing the same bedroom. They had 2 guest rooms so why do they have to share the same bedroom. Does that mean Chaeyoung and Eunwoo already became so close that they don't feel anything sharing the same bedroom? was all Mina could think of.  But she can't do anything about it now. Chaeyoung does not belong to her anymore. She doesn't have any rights to object them sleeping in the same room but it still hurts to see someone you love sleeping with another man.

- are you sure you want to sleep together? We have 2 guest rooms and  you're free to use it.

Mina tried her best to sound as normal as possible.

- it's ok. We will share the same bedroom.

Chaeyoung answered. Well, the real reason why she is sleeping with Eunwoo was because she has to check on him time to time and look after him so she had to be there for him. And it was not like they never shared a bedroom so it didn't bother her much.

But Mina had different things on her mind. She was hurt by the way how Chaeyoung could easily say it. This means she really did move on. But she was the one who told her to stay away and act as if they were strangers right? So why is she getting so affected by it. Chaeyoung is just doing her a favour and making things easier .
Mina at the end just nodded and went to her bedroom after giving a goodnight kiss to Wonwoo more like to show Chaeyoung. She wanted the latter to know that she too had move on from her and is very happy with Wonwoo.  Chaeyoung on the other hand could only look away in order to avoid that sight... Mina cleared it herself and told her to stay away from her. She didn't have the right to feel jealous nor upset with the gesture. Moreover Wonwoo was Eunwoo's friend so she decided not to bother Mina anymore and let her live her life happily. She was infact Happy for her, to see Mina happy even though it's not her who made her happy. She wants the best for her and if Wonwoo is the one and whatever Mina said was true then she is no one to come in between them and ruin everything.
After their goodnight wishes They all headed to their respective rooms.

Eunwoo and Chaeyoung's room

As Eunwoo and Chaeyoung got to their room, Chaeyoung closed the door and crossed her arms and look sternly at Eunwoo.

- what?

Was all Eunwoo could say. Though he was scared as hell looking at the latter .

- why did you agree to their invitation? Wasn't it suppose to be our  vacation?

- Chae, he's my best friend and it's been almost 4 years since I've seen him after I left for America so I just want to spend some quality time with him too. And also the more the merrier.

- but I just don't want to bother them. They're soon getting married and it seems that they were planning to spend it together and we just ruin their Vacation.

- it's nothing like that Chaengi, I know my friend. He was the one who suggested it. And I couldn't agree less. Btw, I'm already tired so can we sleep for now?

Chaeyoung just sighed and nodded. She had a bag where she kept all the things that were needed for Eunwoo, she was always prepared with those stuffs as she didn't want to take any chances so she took out some of his meds and gave him . Eunwoo soon went to sleep after taking his meds while Chaeyoung? She was just not feeling sleepy because of everything that happened today. She was feeling very heavy at heart. As if there was an immense pain that she herself couldn't explain. She decided to get some air so she went to terrace.

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