don't give up

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Mina was still on the floor crying. She don't know what she's gonna do now. She made the situation worse by cursing Chaeyoung's parents she knew the latter won't forgive her for that. When she was lost in her thoughts.. someone knocked on the door.
Mina ran to the door thinking that Chaeyoung came back. But her hopes were crashed after she opened the door. It was Jimin. Mina just let him enter. Mina decided to end everything because this was one of the reason why Chaeyoung left her.

"Jimin, we need to talk"

Mina said. Jimin nodded..

After a moment of silence, Mina continued

"I can't do this anymore, I want break up Jimin. I never loved you, I love someone else. I'm sorry"

Jimin was shocked. But what could he do..he knew that Mina never loved him but he thought that as time goes by she might one day see his efforts..he was just there standing..

Mina then spoke
"I'm sorry. You've always been there for me, I like you but only as a friend. I don't want to lose that person, I really love her"

Jimin finally spoke


Mina nodded. She doesn't care with how Jimin's gonna react because right now the only thing she's thinking of is Chaeyoung.

Jimin: Mina, I'm sorry too for dragging you with me.. even after knowing that you never felt the same for me I still forced you to be in this relationship. And don't worry I won't judge you because love is love. Thank you for finally opening up to me. I'll always be there to support you"

Mina hugged him..right now she really needed that. Someone who supports her. She then released her hug and thanked him. Jimin left the apartment after he got an emergency call. Mina was left alone..she went straight to bedroom..

Her tears again started falling uncontrollably...her eyes were swollen, voice hardly audible. Her state was miserable, worse than anyone can expect. Mina then fell asleep while crying..

The next day she woke up..she had a severe headache..she dragged herself to the kitchen and took some pain relievers..but then again she remembered everything that happened yesterday right here in this kitchen..she started crying again..she can hardly open her eyes because it was puffed up after all the crying yesterday.. she wanted Chaeyoung back..she wants her..

So right after she had her coffee, she grabbed her coat and went off to meet Chaeyoung.. as she reached Chaeyoung's house and entered the main gate she was nervous as hell... she was scared that Chaeyoung will lash out on her again...but she needs to this so she gathered all her courage and knocked on the door.
But it seemed that the latter was not at home. She decided to wait for her. She went to the main gate, and sat on the ground with a piece of paper laid on it in order to not make her pants dirty..while she was waiting, she unknowingly felt asleep. But suddenly a car honk woke her up.

Mina quickly stand straight and walk towards the latter who came out of the car and was heading towards her home..she ignored Mina and was about to enter when Mina blocked her way and hugged her...she hugged her tight fearing that if she held it loosely the latter will leave her again..

But Chaeyoung didn't respond..nor did she say anything..she just tried herself to release from the hug..but the latter was persistent to not let her go..and after failing to release from grip Chaeyoung finally spoke
"Mina, let me go, people are looking at us please..."

However Mina Didn't listen to her..she was scared of letting Chaeyoung go.. she didn't give a fuck about the people right now her only focus was to get her Chaeyoung back.

Chaeyoung got annoyed at this point at how the older was acting so childish..for God sake she sometimes wonder how can this person be 11 years older than her, she's acting like a moody teenager who just had her first break up. Chaeyoung then used force to release the hug, she couldn't bear it anymore.. finally after some tries she finally got released from the latter's hug..she was about to enter when Mina spoke

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