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- Congratulations its a girl. You can go meet the patient.

Mina and Irene entered the ward and witnessed Chaeyoung holding her baby. It was a beautiful sight to watch. She went closer to Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung noticing Mina's presence gestured her to come closer. Mina saw the little girl still eyes closed moving her tiny hands and legs.

- little Akari looks so cute isn't it?

Mina nodded. Irene also came and saw the baby. It was as if little Akari was like a light of happiness that came into their life. Chaeyoung watching how Mina look so happy with the child made her even more happy.

- Chaeyoung thank you so much for this little blessing.

Mina said. It was really a blessing for the Son Myoui family. Everything was finally is in place, every moment every second it was happiness for them. They've really come far and they deserved their happiness. At the end of the day true love wins and no matter how many challenges or difficulties comes if you don't give up on each other and truly loved each other you'll have a happy ending.


10 years later

- Happy 10th wedding anniversary my love..

Chaeyoung whispered in Mina's ears. Mina just smiled widely and turned around to see her lover looking at her.

- Happy anniversary..

- Come I've something prepared for you.

Mina woke up just to see rose petals on the floor and the whole room decorated with lights.

- you may think this is my gift but this is not. Lots of surprises are there waiting for you babe so ready?

Mina excitedly nodded. She got off the bed and Chaeyoung held her hand like a prince holds her princess and then led her to their bathroom. There too it was decorated with scented candles and lights. The bathtub was already prepared. Mina was just admiring when Chaeyoung started peppering her shoulders with wet kisses going till her neck.. Min closed her eyes at the contact but as she was about to turn around Chaeyoung stopped her and whispered..

- enjoy your bath honey I'll be down there waiting for you.

Mina was kinda annoyed so she just pushed Chaeyoung out of the bathroom. After she closed the door, when she was about to get into the bathtub she saw a note on it she took it and read it.

' I love you Myoui Mina'

It was just a simple three words that she often gets to hear but this note felt different like she started getting all those butterflies in her stomach and her rapid heart beating. She smiled and kept that note somewhere where it would not get wet.

After the relaxing bath, she went downstairs where Chaeyoung told her that she would be there. She saw the latter cooking so she went and hugged her from the back. She suddenly remembered Akari and Mari. After 2 years of Akari being born, Mari was adopted by Chaeyoung and Mina. They were a beautiful family indeed.

- I miss the kids Chaeng.

- I know I miss them too but don't worry they'll be back tomorrow. (she turned around) today let's just be us two. I want to spend some time with you alone.

- I want to too. I love you Chaengi.

Mina hugged Chaeyoung again.

- babe, can you imagine it's been more than a decade since we're together and each day my love for you gets stronger than yesterday.

Mina hummed and buried her face in Chaeyoung's neck. She was amazed as well because all this time their love just got stronger. Not that they don't fight and that they're the perfect couple because like any other couple they also fight and sometimes if they had a big fight they won't talk to each other for days but at the end they'll end talking and solve their problems together.
Chaeyoung pulled out from the hug and looked at Mina..

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