Chapter: 8.0

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1. . . . . . 

'This family is a hassle! I don't know how to get out of it.. Everyday is like a battlefield, and why can't the children just be normal?  You turn around for one minute and the other has a fork stuck in his arm, I can't deal with that today. 

Ok, deep breaths, just like your therapist told you Masaru.. Deep breaths. 4 in, 7 hold, 8 out, repeat. It'll be just fine, you just need some fresh air, that'll help, surely that'll help. '

Walking down the stairs he sees his wife sitting in the living room reading a book while the toddlers played with toys on the mat in front of her. Noticing her husband within the corner of her eye she lays down the book to look at him. She smiles warmly, with the sun hitting her face perfectly. God he loved his wife so much. 

"What's up hunny? The kids are playing right now, and I'm gonna start dinner in 20 minutes or so. Any requests?" She playfully said, knowing he always had the stomach for a new dish his wife made. 

"I'm just getting a little stuffed, so I was going to take a walk around town, I promise to be back by dinner. But Katsudon or maybe Kare-Raisu, those are always the best." He walked closer to her as she stood up to give him a warm hug, a simple invitation allowing him to take his walk. 

"Sure, I'll make one of those, don't forget to take a coat and some cash in case you want to grab a snack. If you see Inko tell her I say hi and to come over any-time, I know it's been hard for her since Hisashi went over-seas." carefully stepping over toys she grabbed both of the toddlers, to bring them to say goodbye to their father. He grabbed a coat off the hanger, then put on a hat, before walking closer to say goodbye to his kids. 

The boy looked at his dad before reaching for him, and giving him his goodbye hug, while the sister wiggled in her moms arms to get to her dad. The girl also hugged her dad, but bit his jaw as he squeezed the two. 

"Shhht, ow, No, that's bad, don't bite people baby." He pulled her away slightly as his jaw turned red with few drops of blood. 

Quickly the mom walked over and took the toddler from her father and wiped some blood of his jaw. 

"I'm going to take her to the doctors soon, because her teeth are sharp, and I think it may be hurting her, which is why she bites. I'm sorry." 

"It's fine, it just stings a bit, nothing too bad." He handed the boy over to the mom who now held both baby's, and he slipped the coat he was holding on. 

"I'll be back in about an hour, see you later!" 

He walked over to the door and opened it, stepping out before looking back at his wife and kids, he loved them dearly, but that family was so difficult, he felt like he was drowning, getting fresh air might help him breath a bit. 

He walked down the streets and looked at the nice neighborhoods, and the cool shops placed all around town. This town was beautiful, and he was excited to see what it will have in store for him in the future. Hopefully his children wouldn't be so destructive when they grow older, maybe if they gave them the right amount of love and space they will be fine. 

He sat down at a bench at the park a few blocks down, watching all of the children play with their new friends, and some with their parents. He watched them play hero vs villain, making up hero names and such was always fun to see. He was sure he was looking at some of Japans next hero's within the small group of kids. A gentle smile formed on his lips, he could only hope he could someday watch his kids get along with the others and play with them, like these kids did. 

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