Chapter: 14.0

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1. . . . . . 

The plan was almost perfect, they would be getting his siblings back. Twice was iffy about the whole thing, but it was ok, he wanted to get the twins back, especially Toga. She had been his best friend his entire time with the league. She had given him reassuring words when it came to him spiraling on if he was the real him of a clone. She was a real sweetheart, she cared deeply for the man when everyone else threw his feelings out the door. When he felt as though his mind was melting from how confused he was she was there to keep it from turning to a swamp of brains. Don't get him wrong Katsuki was an amazing partner in crime, but he wasn't as openly affectionate as she was, and affectionate was what he needed in his hard times. 

Moving his thoughts back he made sure he was prepared for the sports festival. He was going to enter the place as a regular citizen, without his mask. His mask was something that held him together, and the others knew this, but begged if he could do this one thing for them. He couldn't argue with Dabi's punches and foul words towards him. He was going to be able to put his mask on once the plan officially starts though so he guesses that was fine. He wasn't going to be ok in the moment of the mask being off, but once the mask was back on it would be ok, he would be fine. For the twins sake he was going to do the unbelievable from him. 

He was supposed to sit there and act normal for at least 30 minutes before he gets the signal to go, while he acts like a normal bystander, Kurogiri is going to make multiple exit pathways for them, so wherever they are they can leave. Once AFO hacks into the system and broadcasts from where he is, that's when he's supposed to make multiple clones of Dabi, Katsuki, and Toga. Dabi and Katsuki's clones would be there to cause chaos, and Toga also had clones to help keep the Hero's away from them getting the real twins back. The broadcast of AFO was going to be his signal, which is something that could keep the audience distracted long enough for him to slip away.

There was going to be specific twins he cloned though, he would make sure those clones are wearing the school uniform instead of their regular clothes, so if the hero's try to get them back, they would be confused on who is real and who isn't. he had to make sure he kept a low profile, otherwise Erasurehead could erase his quirk then the entire plan folds. That's where he's scared, he's not good at acting normal especially that many people around him. He couldn't afford to mess this up. This is his one chance. This was his one chance to prove he wasn't just this old guy who lost his mind everyday, he was going to be helpful. 

he didn't know what was going to happen to him if he were to mess up, but it couldn't be good. He would be devastated, but that was his personal consequence, AFO and Shigaraki might freak and kill him. The entire plan revolved around him doing a good job, so if it ended up him being the one to mess up it was defiantly going to be a huge problem with everyone. Maybe the Doctor is planning to use him and his already fucked mind as a Nomu, he's sure the doctor has already gotten the thumbs up from everyone. 

The sports Festival was in 6 days, less than a week, that's how much time he had to practice being without a mask. It was hard, but if he tries to go an hour straight without it he'll probably be able to go through with just 30 minutes.  He also has to perfect UA's uniform on the twins, and make sure Dabi and Shigaraki's clones did well too. He was stressed but it was ok, he would be ok, it was fine everything was fine. What wasn't fine was how obvious Shigaraki was making their plans seem. He was attacking multiple hero's who were said to be at the Event, going as far as to put a few in coma's or have to have surgeries. If that wasn't a major red flag as to their being some sort of planned attack on UA he doesn't know what is. 

2. . . . . . .

Shigaraki was doing his best to get rid of potential threats to their plans, sure he was being kinda obvious, it's not like UA could do too much about what they've done though. It was fairly easy to get rid of the hero's, he just had to pass by them on the streets during their patrols and tap them.  They would scream for help as their skin would fall to the ground like ashes from a fire. Some would be lucky to get help immediately, others lost a limb or would have to be put into a medical coma. 

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