Chapter: 15.0

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In their positions, Katsuki and Toga were ready to fight, ignoring the prying eyes that stared at them from not too far distances. As per usual, Katsuki goes first, lunging at Toga, going to punch her straight in the face, she mostly used her teeth in a match or something along the lines of that due to her quirk so it easily became the first place he tried to hit. She dodges by sidestepping into a spin as she uses the momentum of her body to throw out a punch aimed at his side. She barely grazed him, just short of getting him with a good punch. They move aways from each other before they both run at each other, Toga going into a kick aimed at his throat; his yells seemed to power him more than the actual thoughts of winning. He grabbed her ankle, grinning at the advantage, and using it to pull her towards himself. 

Once he pulled her in, she used the joints in her two fingers to jab him in the middle of his sternum. It winded him for a second, but it wasn't much to her disappointment. 

Katsuki grunted before he shoved her away to make sure she didn't get in any cheap shot as she tended to do when at close range.  He muttered under his breath probably saying how it was too easy to read her. It was her only chance as she didn't really send heavy blows, and was always using a weapon. She never needed to be exceptionally good at fighting. 

Katsuki ran back at her, punching her in the stomach, sending her back as she coughed trying to fight the nauseas feeling that filtered throughout her entire body. He went in for another punch to her kidney, but she deflected it with her elbow. At the same time she lunged forward punching him in the nose, making his eyes water and nose bleed. The blood dripped down his face and onto the pe uniforms they were wearing. It was a beautiful cherry red, as it went down falling onto the floor with a very tiny unheard splat. Toga forgot how beautiful blood could be, she hasn't been able to see some of it since she's been taken. Everyday she would tend to her little vials of them, even jars of them from people who she thought were just so pretty. She had many varying from rose shades to wine, she remembered how they tasted too, some of them sweet while others more tart. 

The newfound feeling made her even more determined to try and beat her brother, the feeling pumped through her veins like a drug. A very addicting drug she must say as she ran back at him swiping his legs from underneath him. He fell grunting as he was winded. he swung at her face when she got close, hitting her right in the face leaving her off balance. At that moment he tugged her down with him, as she fell to the floor and skidded her knees through the uniform. It didn't matter to her much. He got back up as fast as he could, going to kick her back down when she tried to follow suit. 

Instead she grabbed his foot pulling it towards her so she could grab his other to pull him back down. When that failed, she used his leg as leverage to get back up before he tackled her to the floor, right on top of her. She tried to move to try and get him off but he weighed more than her making it hard. She couldn't get him to budge, so when that failed she swung at his face. 

"Unfair! You always do this, get off of me!" She screeched like she has done many times before. 

He leaned in pushing his weight onto her more. "Fuck no, if I let you up it's like giving in, and giving in means losing. I don't lose." She fumed at his, getting angry how he would beat her like this, angry that the blood stopped falling not long before they ended up here. Before she could think she grabbed his arm and bit him, hard. Right where she knew it would hurt, as she dug in her teeth, watching his face contort to disgust then hidden panic with anger, she knew she had fucked up. He used his other arm to swing down and punch her in the side of the head, effectively making her let go. Making her vision blur with colors when she looked back at his now multicolored features. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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