Chapter 19 : The Breakup Fiasco

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I felt really exhausted as the campfire burned providing at least some heat from the chilling outside cold.We made the fire to aid roast marshmallows but it was proving useful by serving other purposes.
We had a really long day considering we trekked a Nature Conserve examining tree species and taking note of the behavioural patterns of some wildlife.

Some of the class engaged in chats in small groups while others like me lay sprawled on blankets in the open.
I gazed out at the sky staring at the stars when my phone rung. I shot up to find it.
I finally found it somewhere under my blanket.
I looked at the caller ID and smiled.
"Hi Benji," I said into the mouthpiece.
Benji and I spoke for a while as he updated me of the going ons in my absence.
I was barely fifteen minutes into the phone call when the place started becoming noisy. This was because of the group huddled by the fire playing cards.

I picked myself up from the blanket and made my way away from the crowd.I soon found myself taking a leisurely stroll and gossiping with Benji.

"Camilla,why did you sleep on my boyfriend?" She glared.

"Not again," I mumbled moving the phone a bit away from my face.

"Answer me!" She screamed as my attention snapped back to her.

"We'll talk later, okay?"I assured Benji hanging up and stuffing the phone in my pocket.

"Look,I didn't actually mean to.It just sort of happened." I explained.

"You're such a sour loser Camilla. Even after figuring out he's into me you're still all over him,like a bitch.You don't know your limits."She spat.
I stared at her speechless, not because I had nothing to say but because I didn't want to say much.
The girl was literally getting in my nerves .Why was she so insecure.For all I cared it might even be the reason for their communication difficulties.

" Look,I've got to go."I said inching my way past her.

She roughly grabbed my shirt sleeve flinging me back violently.I tried maintaining my balance and my feet trampled on a tree stump as I lurched back bringing me into contact with the hard ground.The rocks pierced my skin and I felt really dizzy.I lay there suddenly unable to move a muscle.

I heard a voice and footsteps approaching as my eyes felt heavy.Relief flooded over me.

"What did you do to her?" I clearly heard Jay demand bending down and examining the position in which I lay.

"It was an accident, I didn't mean to hurt her."

"I told you not to touch her!" He thundered placing his hand beneath my knees and with another supported my head.He effortlessly lifted me up bride style.

"But what do you expect me to do.You keep drawing me out .It's like I don't exist,like I'm not your girlfriend .Yet you make time for her." She rattled making Jay grow tense.

"Don't ever come near her." He warned.

"Jake.." She mumbled in tears.

"I'm your girlfriend remember?You ought not do that." She hiccupped. I could hear her sniffling and sobbing and momentarily felt sorry for her.

"Oh and Jessica,"
She lifted her head up in anticipation.

"It's quits."Jay said firmly pushing me against himself and with me in his arms walked away.

I lifted my face from his chest and positioned my chin on his shoulder making eye contact with a stupefied Jessica in the process. Childishly ,I stuck out my tongue at her,a skill I had learnt from Mike.
She saw it and looked at me defeatedly.I had never seen her look so vulnerable. I totally lost sympathy for her when I felt my head throb.
I smiled mischievously in spite of the terrible pain I felt all over my body and offered her a little wave.

" There there, get some rest now okay?"Harry coed pulling a blanket over me.She placed a kiss on my forehead and Rachel did same as they both walked out closing the door gently behind them.

Jay came in as they left.He walked up to me and I made room for him to sit on my bed.

"Camilla,I'm really sorry for all this." He said quietly.

"I'm okay, after all she is your girlfriend."

"She was." He corrected looking slightly pained by my words.

"Are you okay?" I asked him now.

"Yeah." He nodded undisturbed placing his hand on my forehead. It rested there for sometime before he pushed back some stray strands of my hair falling on my face.It immediately released a wave of butterflies fluttering in my tummy.He gently leaned in and his lips brushed softy against mine.This was cut short when there was a bothersome rap at the door causing him to pull back and me to sit up.
He walked to the door and pulled it open as Chad walked in.

"You should be more careful next time okay?"Chad advised.
I nodded a yes.I guess word had gone round that I had tripped and fallen.Trust me,I didn't want them to know the truth really.

Jay spent a considerable amount of time pacing around the room as Chad spoke with me.
Soon the both left urging me to have a nice rest.

I jumped out of the bed as soon as they were both out of the door to pick my phone from Rachel's bed.I felt I was forgetting something as soon as I set eyes on my phone,but the thought soon rubbed off when I got busy examining myself on my phone after switching the phone to selfie mode.
My lower chin had a little bruise which was almost unnoticeable. Apart from that,there was a cut on my elbow which had been cleaned with some antiseptic by Harry I guess.

OMG Benji, he was what I forgot.I quickly swiped my phone open and mumbled an apology for making him wait that long.Of course I didn't forget to add that Jay had officially dumped Jessica.
I knew I wasn't exactly being a good friend by being happy that Jay had broken up with his girlfriend but I might have a shot at this right?

Author's Note

How epic was this?Did you think it coming. Note drama lies ahead.Stay tuned, *slick*.

_Who read diary of a wimpy kid?
Rowley Jefferson......... slick?

Anyway,Just wanted y'all to meet a special somebody,

Anyway,Just wanted y'all to meet a special somebody,

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Meet Benjamin Greene

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Meet Benjamin Greene.You like him?He's my favorite Rivera.*wink*

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