Chapter 1

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Seokjin sat at the party looking at his boyfriends. Namjoon was off sitting with a young man whose hand was on his thigh. A politician whose name he didn't bother remembering. Jimin and Taehyung were flirting with some ladies swooning them off their feet. He swears they both are literally made for this job. They can surely charm a corpse if they wanted to. Hoseok was talking with some old men and Yoongi was sitting beside Seokjin enjoying his drink.

" They're good at their job aren't they ?" Yoongi said from beside him.

" The best." Seokjin said while grinning and looking at his boyfriend. He swears he melts every time he see's Yoongi's gummy smile. Not that he'll ever admit that in front of him.

"Oh please someone kill me. This son of a bitch is seriously making me want to put a bullet right through his head." Came Namjoon's voice from the intercom.

"Please at least it's a guy you're dealing with. Not some old women screeching like teenage girls . I literally want to rip my ears out." Taehyung said.

"Guys pay attention . Our target has arrived." Jin said while looking at the said target.

Kim Jin soo is a corrupt Korean politician that owes the organization some money. He was given three chances to pay the money. Instead, he killed the collector, stole the money that he had previously collected from other clients, and then blew it all on a new sports car. Namjoon wasn't too happy about that. ("At least should have taken something more practical.")

Guards surrounded him and his wife looking out for any sign of danger. People swarmed around him trying to talk to the new 'political star'. Beside him is his wife faking a smile and waving at everyone. Seokjin finds it hard not to snort seeing how fake the wife's smile is.

" Tae distraction" Namjoon says.

Not a minute later all of Kim's bodyguards are running toward the direction Taehyung went.

Taehyung comes back and stands next to Jimin as if nothing happened.

" What did you do ?" Yoongi asked.

" Oh nothing much. Just set a fire on the guards shack , shot some guards and caused some commotion." Taehyung said.

There was a stunned silence where everyone just remained quiet. Then Hoseok replied.

" You were gone for five fucking minutes. How did u do all of that ?"

Taehyung just shrugged and sipped his drink while smirking in his glass.

" Alright" Namjoon says. "You guys know what to do. Me and Seokjin Hyung will approach that bastard and his wife. Suga Hyung will break into the control room and search for any secret file or property that can be useful to us. J-hope will go to their vaults and search for anything valuable. V and Jimin will take the kids away and guys please no killing or torture until we get there. We just have to lock them. We'll see what we'll do with them afterwards. Now Execute".

"Aww Hyung you ruin all the fun." Taehyung said while pouting.

Jimin and Taehyung eventually walk towards Kim's children.  They immediately woo them and have them wrapped around their fingers in no time. Jimin took the girl and Taehyung took the boy.

"Guys don't you find it hot that both you brother and sister  are going to be fucked in the same room besides each other at the same time . I find it pretty amazing and hot." Taehyung said while smiling seductively at the boy. Both him and Jimin took them to one of the rooms in the mansion which is at the farthest corner.

Suga goes through the hall and kills the soldiers standing there and enters the control room and immediately takes over the cameras and starts reaching for important papers and information.

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