Chapter 14

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Whole of Bangtan was sitting in the living room. They didn't know what was happening or why they were called. Jin just told all of them to come in the living room in 5 minutes or he'll never cook for them.

Jungkook was sitting in front of them. His fingers moving anxiously. He was nervous. Very very very nervous. But he has decided to tell them and he will not back out now. He has always prided himself to be brave and now is the most important moment of his life. He won't let himself fear the inevitable.

"Guys. Jungkook here has something to say to us. Don't you Kookie ?" Jin said and turned towards him.

He nodded and started to speak but chocked.

"It's okay bunny take you time." Taehyung said soothly from the front. Yoongi, Namjoon and Jimin were sitting on the sofa while Taehyung and Hoseok were sitting in the front between their legs and Jin was sitting beside Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded and took a deep breath. Then started.

"I-I know that you're curious about the pendant." He heard sharp in takes of breath but continued.

"Our great grandfathers were very good friends. They had no doubt that their next generations would be together too but to insure it they made a pact. I know that all of you know about this. Because you signed it too. Our great grandfathers were okay with any kind of relationship be it platonic or romantic. Our fathers had a platonic relationship with each other.  But in the 1992 mission , my dad fell in love with the opposite sides mistress. She fell in love too. With dad I mean. But the others felt betrayed and cut him off from the pact. They thought he was betraying them and joining the opposite forces. But that was not true. He missed them very much. And then I was born in 97 and dad wanted to tell them. But when they were coming they got attacked on the way. They both got killed but dad was able to instruct his right hand man Kim Junghoon to safely take me to your dads. He gave him his ring as proof."

Jungkook took a deep breath and continued his story without looking up at any of them.

"When Junghoon hyung arrived, immediately the security rushed out but he was able to placate them to meet the leaders. He told them everything and the death of my parents and how he did not betray them. All were horrified because they didn't believe their soulmate. Their brother. And to make up for their mistakes they took me in. They gave me the pendant too. I was well cared for and  then I met you all too. Those two years were the happiest of my life but of course my life never goes as I plan it too. It all came crashing down when in 2000 the security breach happened. I was kidnapped. Your dad's tried to find me but they couldn't so they thought that I was dead. I- Junghoon hyung found me after 4 years but didn't return me there. He told me that he didn't trust them enough. He kept searching for me even when others gave up. I made myself into what I am today with the help of Junghoon hyung. All my skills, training and practice were his hard work on me. He knew I would have to face the world someday. And I missed you guys so so much. I-I I was-"

Something wet fell on his hand. Jungkook was startled because he didn't realise he was crying. He hastily tries to wipe them away but it was like a dam broke. All the feelings, the anguish, the sadness, the desperation piled from a long time came crashing down. He couldn't stop crying.

Suddenly he felt warmth and realised he was being hugged. He wrapped his hands around the said persons waist and buried his head in the latters neck.

"Shh. It's okay Jungkook~ ah. It's okay. Shh. Everything's alright." Jin started patting the makane's hair.

Shock didn't even described how Jin was feeling right now. He had so many questions but right now his priority was to take care of Jungkook. The poor baby was literally shaking in his hands.

All the other members came and joined in the hug too. Jin could tell that they were feeling the same exact thing as he was. It was very overwhelming. Knowing that if the 2000 breach didn't happen then Jungkook could have been with them. He wouldn't have to have suffered. Jin didn't even want to know what happened to Jungkook when he was kidnapped.

Jungkook removed his neck and looked down. Jin held his hands to Jungkook's cheeks so he could see his face.

"Hey. You okay ?"

Jungkook nodded

"I know you guys have questions. You can ask."

Everyone looked at each other.

"Are you sure baby. We don't want to overwhelm you." Namjoon said with worry in his voice.
Jungkook nodded again.

"Okay. Then I'll go first." Taehyung said. He held Jungkook's hands and looked at his face. He was beautiful. With red tinted cheeks and big, glassy doe eyes. Taehyung smiled fondly at him.

"Babe why didn't you tell us this before ?"
Jungkook stiffened But relaxed when jimin started rubbing his back.

"I was scared. I was scared that you won't accept me and that you'll hate me."
Everyone was stunned from his answer. How in the world can someone hate somebody like Jungkook. That boy is precious and sweet and so caring and sassy. Everyone told him that much and the brunette blushed.

"Aww look at him he's so cute." Hoseok said and everyone cooed when Jungkook blushed more.

"Shut up hyung." Jungkook said but Hoseok pinched his cheeks in return. Jungkook whined and his his face in his hands. Everyone laughed.

"Okay. I think that's enough for today. And Jungkook." Jungkook looked at yoongi when his name was called.

"Don't you ever think that we would hate you. Even though we've met for a very short time, it feels like I've known you forever. And we all love you Kookie.  Okay so don't ever think like that again. Got it ?"

"Yes hyung."

"Let's go to sleep now. We have to plan on getting that bastard too."

"Yoongi hyung is right. Let's sleep." Jimin said.

"Let's do a cuddle pile. We can sleep in the master bedroom. It's big enough for all of us."
Everyone agreed with taehyung's idea. They placed Jungkook in the middle. On his right jimin and on left namjoon laid. Others allotted themselves in the mix too. Soon sleep overtook them and everyone was asleep in seconds. Today has been an overwhelming day.

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