Chapter 9

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"What the fuck hyung. You didn't tell me he was that cute !!" This was the first sentence that was spoken after they all entered Namjoon's and Jimin's room.

"I agree with Tae. Hyung you should have said something . All you said was that the boy was sitting in the living room. Oh my god did you hear his voice. I swear that was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard." Jimin squealed. Both he and taehyung were acting like teenage girls with a crush. The hyung's were no better. They didn't expect the boy- no, Jungkook to be this handsome. But they were better at hiding it. 

"He certainly is a nice young man." Jin said while entering the room. "I've shown him to the guest room. I'll check on him later."

"I still don't trust him." Yoongi said. Everyone looked at him. He glanced at them and sighed. He took a deep breath and started to explain.
"Guys look, he might be handsome and all but we've just met him. He's no more then a stranger to us. Some boy suddenly shows up breaking in our building, shouting for us and then asks for help. This all sounds a little fishy to me." Yoongi said.

"But hyung he has the face of an angel. I really don't think this is some scheme or plan." Tae whined from the bed.

"I agree with him hyungs. I mean just- just look at him he's so innocent looking." Jimin added from where he was sitting besides taehyung.

"Looks can be deceiving my loves. I think I agree with yoongi. This might be an elaborate plan to bring us all down." Hoseok said for the very first time.

"I- I think I might believe him guys." Namjoon said.

"I knew you would hyung."

"Joonie hyung is the best."

"Namjoon you can't just believe anybody."

"I thought you knew better than that Nam."

"I agree with Namjoon."

"GUYS. Just listen to me." This made everyone shut up. "Look I know it's hard to believe someone whose just arrived. Bu- but he had the précieux necklace with him. Just he had FORTEM written on his." Namjoon said with his head between his hands. When he looked up he saw the look of disbelief on their faces. Can't really blame them can he. After all he had the same reaction as them.

"W-what ?! That's not possible namjoon you know-"

"Trust me Hobi. I do. But he showed it to me himself. I found it hard to believe too but you know it's meaning. You know what it means don't you." After seeing a little nod from him he continued "I had to believe him. Have to believe him. These necklaces mean everything to me and I know they do to you too." He saw everybody holding their necklaces.

All of them were quiet, pondering on their thoughts.

"We have 3 months with us. I'm pretty sure that's enough time for us to get to know him and how sincere his intentions are. We're not called the greatest and the best in our field just like this. If he tries anything I'm pretty sure we can handle it." Jin said while looking at all of them. He could still see a flicker of doubt in all of them. Heck he himself had it. But he knew that the danger is bigger than anything they've faced before. And that saving the world was not really on their to do list but the hope in Jungkook's eyes melted his heart. And he immediately knew he'd do anything for him. He knew the others will too. Even if they can't just see it yet. He knows for sure that a new member will be in their team after this mission. And hopefully in their relationship too.

"But that's not our job hyung. We're not bad people but we aren't exactly good."

"I do Hobi. But if the world really is in danger then who other people can stop it other then us."

He nodded and relaxed.

"Fine. I agree. But if this turns out to be a trap then I'll blame you." Yoongi said to Jin. Jin just stuck his tongue out at him and this deflated all the tension there was in the room.

"Let's go to sleep everyone. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow." Namjoon said.

They kissed each other good night and retired to their rooms. Namjoon took a bath and changed out of his clothes. When he came out of the bathroom he saw Jimin already sleeping. He gave a soft smile towards his lover and got into bed besides him. He wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist and pulled him close. Jimin chased the warmth and moved closer to Namjoon tucking his head in Namjoon's neck. 

"Good night hyung." Jimin muttered softly.

"Good night my love." Namjoon said and kissed his forehead. Then they both fell into oblivion. As well as all the other occupants in the house.

I felt like updating. I hope you like it.

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