Chapter 10

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Jungkook woke up with a start. He was sweaty and soaked. His breathing was heavy and laboured and his eyes were unfocused. He was having the same dream for the past few days and it terrified him. He was scared of that dream coming true. He knew that the possibility of that is very high seeing the type of life they all are living including him.

When his eyes came into focus he looked around but didn't see his familiar room and started to panic but then the events of last night flashed into his mind. The breaking in, meeting them, the talk, the mission, Jin's sweet words. Everything played like a movie.

He sighed and rubbed his face with both his hands. He was feeling tired and slouchy because of the dream but satisfying his hunger won him over. He stretched his hands above his head and after listening the pop of his bones he got up.

Last night he was too tired to look around the room but now that he sees it, it is a beautiful room. It's very big. Well bigger than his and has beige walls. A chandelier is hanging above the bed. On the left side of the room a black table with white roses are set with a chair to accommodate the table. A door is also there which he thought leads to the bathroom. A sofa is in front of the bed. On the right side there is a white bean bag and windows of floor to ceiling are covered with curtains.

He sees that on the table some clothes are kept with a note. He went towards it and picked up the note.

You were sleeping when I came so I kept the clothes on the table. They are Jimin's so they should fit you. Get ready and come out for breakfast.

Jungkook smiled and kept the note back. He had no doubt that the note was from Jin. He picked up the clothes and went straight for the shower. He was glad that Jin gave him these clothes because his clothes were sweaty and gross and he had no intention of wearing them again. He took a quick shower and put on the clothes that Jin brought him. He wore a black sweatshirt and black jeans. The sweatshirt was a little too big on him. It felt like he was floating in it.
(So everyone is bigger in height than Jungkook. So hw would be a small little bunny. He's still powerful though. So don't let his height underestimate him. )

He combed his hair and exited the bathroom. He wore his timbers and checked his phone but the battery was dead so he pocketed it and left the bedroom. He would ask for a charger from the others.

When he entered the living room he was met with the most delicious smell. His mouth watered and he walked towards the kitchen. He quietly stood on the island and saw Jin cooking gaeran toast-u. While Jin was oblivious to the presence of the younger, Jungkook observed him. He saw the way his muscles were flexing when he was flipping the eggs. He couldn't help but think that Jin was very handsome. And not just Jin but all the others too.

Jin turned around to pick up the salt and pepper bottles and shrieked when he saw Jungkook standing there. He didn't even hear the younger enter the kitchen. Besides he didn't expect anyone waking up this early.

"Jungkook. You scared me. When did you enter ?" Jin asked with a hand on top of his chest where his heart was beating wildly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you..."

"Hyung. You can call me hyung." The little blush on Jungkook's face didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Hyung" Jungkook repeated. He was happy he at least got to call him something which was informal.

"I'm a light feet. I practiced it for missions and I guess it became second nature to walk like that." Jungkook said with a shrug.

Now that Jin was calm he couldn't help but notice that Jungkook looks cute in Jimin's hoodie. The boy is literally swimming in it. He looks cute.

Jin gave him a smile and ushered him to sit down. He then proceeded to make breakfast for everybody. Namjoon was the next one to come. He gave Jin a kiss on the forehead and a good morning to Jungkook. Slowly everyone was entering. Yoongi was the last one to enter. Kisses and good mornings were being passed. ( good mornings in case of Jungkook ) They all sat down and Jin served all of them.

Jungkook could see how homey it was while sitting in between all the boys. All were bickering and eating and laughing and talking and he missed it. He missed his family. His mom and dad were very good people but the fate that was thrusted upon them did them no justice. They died in a car crash years ago. Even though he was small he remembered all the moments he spent with them. His mom's soft hands, his fathers hugs, their kisses. Everything. He got a chance for a second family but that too was snatched. He feels as if he's unlucky. That no one would be there to love him like-

"Jungkook why aren't you eating. You've not even touched it. Do you want me to make something else ?" Jin's worried voice brought him back from his thoughts. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't hear the noises becoming quiet.

He looked around the table and saw all others looking at him. He then looked at Jin and gave him a small smile.

"Not at all hyung. The breakfast smells great and I bet it tastes better. I just got lost in thoughts." He said. He picked up the fork and knife and started cutting the pieces. He then ate it to prove his point.

The table slowly picked up conversation like before and it became noisy again. This time Jungkook was paying attention.

"Let's see who'll get the last pork piece." Hoseok said with his chopsticks ready.

"Count me out. I'm full." Namjoon said.

"Me too"

"Me too"

"Me too"

Yoongi, Jin and Jungkook said together.

"Less competition." Taehyung said. The remaining three at once charged the plate and fought for a while. In the end jimin was the one that took the piece. Taehyung and Hoseok sulked for a while but then started laughing with the others.

Jungkook couldn't think of a better way to start the day.

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