Chapter 18

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The armoury is located near the entrance door of the headquarters. It was an easy location because no one would even think that there would be a room full of deadly weapons near the front door. Also it's easier to access if an emergency mission takes place.

Though the door is as common as any other door in the building, behind it is an oasis of guns, shields, armours, knives, katanas, swords, grenades, nuclear weapons, nunchakus, spears, bow and arrows, whips, chains, daggers and all the other weapons of every type you could think of.
(because I ran out of weapons names)

That particular side of the building from the underground floor to the top most floor is filled with weapons. Every floor has a door which opens to these rooms. There are staircases inside the room which connects every floor to each other. But you need special ID's to unlock the door. Strict records are also kept of the weaponry so that no misuse occurs.

There are also specially made gadgets by yoongi. But the leader believes that use of technology should be minimal to bombs and explosives so that everyone can focus on using the common weapons. This is helpful when they go on missions because even if they loose their weapon they can easily fight with the enemies weapons.

When Jungkook entered the room he froze. He has never ever in his life seen so many weapons and of various types too.

When the others saw Jungkook's reaction they cooed at him. They know that their armoury may be a little excessive but they really can't help it. From a very small age they were taught each and every weapons so they never get a disadvantage during a fight.

"Hyung's !! You never told me you had" he vaguely pointed to the room with both his arms trying to show- well everything- "this !!!"

"Well Kookie we never knew you would be that interested. Otherwise we would have visited here sooner." Jin said while chuckling at the cute maknae.

"Are you kidding me. You- you must be joking. Fuck !!! I-I-I love it. Oh god !!!! This is awesome." Jungkook practically ran inside and started looking through everything. The hyung's all gave a fond smile and followed him inside. They never knew some one can be this excited to see thousands of deadly, badass weapons. Jungkook looked like a little boy left in a candy store to choose sweets.

Jimin went and started explaining how they collected them and the others joined in. Most were taken from the enemies sheds after they were defeated. But some were the ones they especially searched for to complete their collection. Well ongoing collection.

Time flew by as they gave Jungkook a tour of the armoury. They told him that on every floor there was a 'leaders only zone' as those weapons were a private collection. Jungkook took everything in and was surprised to see training rooms on every floor in the armoury. Namjoon explained that it was easier this way as they don't have to commute to two different rooms and can practice in one where the weapons are already available.

"Can I use them too hyung's ?" Jungkook asked shyly.

"Of course you can Kookie. Whatever is ours is yours too." Jin said and ruffled Jungkook's hair. Jungkook spluttered and immediately ran of to the other direction. The others laughed and followed him.

After 5 hours Sejin came with the info. Hoseok asked him about the young boys to which Sejin replied that they were okay and were now resting. They went towards the centre where a large circular table was kept and sat on the chairs.

"All of them were very helpful but the knowledge I received from them was not to the extent I would have liked. All of them don't remember how they got out. They said that they were in too much of a hurry and were high on adrenaline so they couldn't really focus on anything except ,and I quote this, 'getting the fuck out of there' ."

The others chuckled after hearing that. TXT is the best rookie group that they have ever had in their academy and they are relieved to find that there weren't serious injuries inflicted on them.

"Hyung please relay all the information about the mission." Namjoon said immediately getting down to business.

"They said that entry was fairly easy. Wait don't interrupt I'm telling." Sejin said when he saw Hoseok's mouth opening. He immediately closed it after that.

"So they said that the entry was fairly easy as they found an abandoned factory who's tunnels led straight to North Korea. They then sneaked in the compound where the guards live and stole their uniforms after chloroforming them. Entry in the lair after was easy enough. This is the floor map that they discovered in the head quarters." Sejin said while putting and unscrolling a big scrolled paper.

Everyone came forward and started looking at it.

"Apparently they forgot that they stole this. When I was just about to go out, the leader handed it to me."

"This looks like it's new and was recently made." Jungkook said.

"How do you know that Kook ?" Tae asked astonished as to how the younger was so sure.

"The paper's texture is very smooth and when you smell the ink on it, it smells very new."

"That's smart observation Jungkook." Yoongi said while looking at the younger.
Jungkook blushed and averted his eyes. The other chuckled at the youngest cuteness.

"How did they got caught when they were dressed ?" Jin asked looking puzzled.

"Apparently the chloroform didn't keep them asleep for long and they woke up." Sejin said.

"Hyung this map makes the mission planning much easier then before. Take this map and look into the archives if we ever had a floor plan similar to this." Namjoon said.

Sejin nodded and exited the room.

"The time has come guys. We will start the mission on the first of next month." Namjoon said while looking at them all.

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