Chapter 7

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Namjoon was well and awake , sitting in his office and drinking coffee. It was 1 am and he still couldn't find any answers to the questions which were erupting in his mind like a volcano. The office was dark with only a little light illuminating the large space. Namjoon got up from his desk and stood in front of the large glass window which overlooked the city.

'Somewhere there is the boy. He has to be.' Namjoon thought.

He sighed and looked at the watch hanging on the opposite wall and decided to call it a night. He threw all the cups of coffee he drank ( 8 to be exact ) and switched off the lights and exited his office. He bowed to some of the workers still working and the night security guards.

Just as he was about to enter the lift he heard a breaking of glass from the room to his side. He immediately ran to the room and saw a black figure crouching by the broken glass.

"Who are you ?" He shouted while taking out his gun.

The figure immediately turned around and was about to attack when he froze in place. Namjoon also froze because he knew who the guy was. He could never forget eyes like those. He lowered his gun and stared at the boy. Although sending him a harsh glare that would have made even the scariest of person run for the hills. But the boy didn't show any effect.

"You are the one who broke into the headquarters." He stated in a harsh voice. It seemed that his voice broke the boys trance. The boy blinked and nodded his head.

"Who are you ? Why are you here ? And how do you know us ?" Just as the boy was about to answer the guards started to fill up the room. The boy immediately went into a fighting position.
Namjoon couldn't see an ounce of fear in the boy's eyes but pure determination. He immediately told the guards to put down their guns. The guards did so albeit a little reluctantly. Seeing this the boy also relaxed a little if his lowering of hands was any indication.

Namjoon again asked him about his identity but the boy immediately started looking for something. He picked up a paper and pen from the desk and started writing something furiously.  Namjoon was a little impressed seeing the boy's wit. There were voice tracking machines all over the building. And if he spoke then his voice could have been his identification. That means he knew a lot about the building then they thought.

When the blackened figure stopped writing, he turned the paper towards Namjoon to read.

'I am someone who you knew but have forgotten. Please I need you to help me. If not then there would be great destruction and nothing would be left.'

"How do I know you're telling the truth ?" Namjoon asked after reading what he wrote. The boy took out a necklace and held it in his hand for Namjoon to see. Namjoon was shocked to see that specific pendant. It was a fully black coloured chain with a little trinket hanging with the word 'FORTEM' written on it. Namjoon's dad gave them all these pendants with a different word written in each as a gift after they were born. These were very rare stones which were no less than 29 million dollars each. So as to say Namjoon was shocked to see it was an understatement.

He quickly regained his senses and ordered the guards to leave. Then he asked the boy to follow him to their rooms. He knew he was taking a huge risk to let a stranger in but the pendant was proof enough that he knew his father and maybe all his boyfriends fathers too.

He entered the lift with him and they both rode the lift with relative silence. Ones they reached there, Namjoon led the boy to the front door. He unlocked it and went inside with the boy following him like a lost puppy. He kept the keys in the bowl on the stand and went to the kitchen. He studied the boy standing in the middle of their living room seeming a little awkward. The boy was looking around.

He drank the water in the glass and went towards the boy. The boy looked up at him with those doe eyes. Namjoon stopped in front of him.

"I'm going to call the others. Is that okay with you ?" The boy nodded and Namjoon went to wake up his boyfriends. Thinking that the boy knew whom were the 'others' were. Thousands and thousands of questions were going on in his mind but the one which was bugging him the most was-

'Why are his eyes so beautiful ?'

After a while he felt stupid and embarrassed to know that that was the question sticking out the most. I mean what kind of a spy thinks that.

'FORTEM' means brave btw.

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