Chapter 22

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The next morning was very quiet. Everyone was pacing around double checking everything to shake off their nervousness. A mission this big usually comes with even bigger danger and they were ready to face them but that doesn't mean they aren't afraid. They're humans after all.

They couldn't come up with a very spot on plan but whatever they could find they sent it to Taehyung who sent it to the person he selected for the job to make a plan. Namjoon was wary at first but he trusted Tae.

Sejin entered the house at 4 in the morning. He had to see if the bosses were ready. He entered and immediately saw all of them sitting on the dinning chairs. Namjoon looked up the instant he heard noise.

Sejin came and bowed. He could see how scared everyone was although some were hiding it better. Heck he himself was scared.

"Sir I have double checked everything. You all are set to go. And here are the ear pieces. These are small enough to not be detected but there is no way to turn them off. You all will be able to listen to each other all the time. I didn't have enough time. This is all I could come up with." Sejin said while taking out 7 small earpieces the size of an ant.

"This is fine Sejin. Thank you." Namjoon said, passing the earpieces and fitting his own.

Sejin clapped and 2 men entered the room carrying 7 bags.

"These bags contain all the knick-knacks and a map each. You all will first be stopping at the Chongdam-go area north of South Korea. There you will find a man named Park Hyo Nam. He will give further detailing on the mission. He is the one who was selected by Taehyung."

Sejin handed all of them the bags which were badly tattered.

"Also, the gadgets are hidden in secret pockets where no machine would be able to detect them."

Seokjin smiled and thanked the man.

"I hope you all succeed in the mission and kick that son of a bitches ass." Sejin said trying to bring a smile and succeeding.

The others chuckled and started exiting the room.

Namjoon stopped and turn towards Sejin.
"Don't worry Sejin. I promise we'll come back alive. All of us. Till then take care of the headquarters. And remember, don't let news about us reach any ear." With that Namjoon patted Sejin's back and walked out to join the rest.

Sejin sighed and walked out with the other 2 men following him.


Bangtan were waiting downstairs for Namjoon and Sejin. All were curious to know what they talked about but they know better then to interfere.

Namjoon came and smiled at them relieving them from the tension. The said their goodbyes to Sejin and climbed in the car. It would take them 3 1/2 hours to reach their destination.

Halfway through Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung were fast asleep. Yoongi has his earphones in and Namjoon and Seokjin were discussing in hushed voices.

Jungkook looked around and sighed. He then looked out the window.
'The view is beautiful.' He thought with a small smile.
He knew the danger they were all heading in. He can't lie and say he's alright because he's not but he has to be because of the million lives at stake.

He came out of his thoughts when a weight settled on his shoulder. He looked sideways and let out a little laugh. Jimin was using his shoulder as a pillow.
Jungkook laughed again. He ruffled his hyung's head and patted it.

Soon they arrived at their destination. Jungkook woke Jimin up giggling a little at his hyung's adorable bleariness. They all got out of the car and were greeted by a bulky man. He bowed and Taehyung shook his hand. He turned towards them and introduced the man.

"Everyone this is Park Hyo Nam. He'll be the one to stay behind the scenes."

The others nodded politely and introduced themselves. Without further ado they were led to the back of what looked like a barn.

"I think Sejin-nim has already told you of how you would enter but I would like to tell the plan again from starting. You all will change into old battered clothes and will be given fake identities. Not that they will come in handy but it's always good to be prepared. There are old abandoned pipes which would help you in entering North Korea. Well more like tunnels actually."

"What about security on the pipes ?" Yoongi asked.

"We've checked and the only thing they've done for security is to seal the pipes with nets. They will be no problem to cut through." Park Hyo Nam replied.

Yoongi nodded and PHN continued.

"Entering North Korea you all will walk 2 km to the north-east direction and you'll find a village. The guards often come there and pick people to work in the factory. You guys have to act scared and frail. They'll pick you and take you to the mines and have an-"

"Wait wait. What is the guarantee that we will be picked ? All of us together ?" Hoseok asked.

"The villagers only consist of children, women, and the elderly. All the young men work in the factory. We have a female spy there and she'll ensure that you all get picked."

"Okay. What after ?" Jungkook asked.

PHN smiled at him and then continued.

"From here it gets more dangerous. We won't be able to communicate with you ones you enter the factory. Plans can change according to the situation but I'll tell you the basic one. You will have to first of all find what Byun Baekhyun is planning. Then you go and hack his computers and steal all the material for an international arrest. Third you set a bomb in the factory for the destruction. But put up a fake one to scare him because he would also know that blowing this up would result in a very bad consequence. When you would be in the factory working on the inside, my men will circle the parameter. And ones you give us the signal, we'll immediately come and arrest." PNM finished and looked at them to see if they have any questions.

"Well this all is pretty basic. But I think it'll work."
Tahyung said while looking over the maps.

"Well we'll have to make it work anyway. No second chance." Jungkook said.

"Okay then. We'll enter and start from tomorrow." Namjoon said.

"I'll show you to your rooms then. Sejin-nim said you're fine sharing one room so we've prepared that." He smiled a little seeing how they blushed. For being international badasses they were pretty easy to embarrass.

"Please rest today so you all are energetic tomorrow." Hyo Nam then bowed and left.

Everyone immediately changed and started discussing. They were awake till 7 in the evening when Hyo Nam came and shooed then off to bed after dinner. They have to wake at 1 in the morning and departure at 3. They all said their good nights and went to sleep. Although they themselves only knew how late they slept.

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