Chapter 8

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This chapter would be in Jungkook's POV

I cannot believe that I finally get to meet him. Meet them. After so long. I know they don't remember me. How can they ? It was such a long time back and after that unfortunate event I just couldn't show myself again. Not after Mr. Kim told me not to. I know he just wanted the best for me. But it still hurt to not be able to see the people who showed so much love to me. The first one to care about me. To cherish me.

I really can't blame them for not remembering me. But seeing the harshness and the hostility in his eyes when he faced me made my heart hurt. As if someone was squeezing it tightly.

When I first went into the building my only purpose was to find their rooms so I could sneak in some other day but that damn glass broke when I landed on the floor.But it turned out to be the best mistake I could have ever made in my life.

I was standing in the middle of what looked like their living room. It is a spacial room with white and black couches on the four sides of a glass table. Behind it some pictures were hung on the wall. I could see how happy they are in them. Unconsciously a smile grew on my face.

I was brought out by my thoughts by the footsteps heading towards the room. The smile swept of my face and went to blank and I braced myself for the next few hours in which shit would go down. Well maybe not today but it will go down some other day. I saw all of them emerging from a corner with Namjoon Hyung in front of them. They all had hard faces which made it unable for me read or even interpret what was going on in their minds.

"Let's sit and talk." Namjoon said. I nodded and went to sit on the couch. Jimin and Taehyung were sitting on the left couch and Yoongi Hyung and Hoseok Hyung were sitting on the right one. Jin hyung and Namjoon Hyung were sitting on the couch in front of me. All were facing me.

A little time passed without anyone saying anything. I could see that they were on guard. Like I was suddenly going to pull out a gun and shoot. Suddenly Jin hyung broke the silence first.

"Who are you and what's your name ?"

I first looked at him and then the others and then took a deep breath. I closed my eyes and opened them again seeing them all sitting patiently for my answer. This is it. This is the only chance I will get. It's time.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook. And who I am I will tell you later." I missed the wide eyes they were having while looking at me as I was looking at the floor. The carpet looks beautiful by the way.
At that moment someone cleared his throat.

"So um... um how do you know us." I looked up and saw that jimin Hyung was the one who asked it.

"I'll tell that to you later too. Right now we have more pressing issues. I need your help. A long time back a facility  in North Korea was formed to test out new chemicals and also to make new ones. It was owned by Byun Jang In. He-"

"Wait, wait, wait. You mean the criminal whose in the top security prison in USA ?" Jin hyung interrupted.

"Yes. He recruited top scientists from all over the world for this programme. But one day they came across an explosive which could cause great mass destruction. They started testing it and he started a black market out of this. They were transported everywhere to everyone who could pay his demanded prices. But THE OPERATION in 2006 exposed the market and he was sent to jail. But recently movements are seen in North Korea. And I'm suspecting that his apprentice or his follower or someone may have gotten a hold of it. This can cause a massive destruction throughout the world. We need to find that person and the chemical and destroy it."

"But how can you come to this conclusion ? How do you know it is that same chemical ?" Namjoon Hyung asked.

"Because I've been keeping a watch on North Korea for a while. I hacked into their CCTV cameras and I've seen some cars going in and out of the gyeongdam area frequently over the past two years. And that is majorly the area where all these shenanigans happen." I explained.
I saw taehyung hyung's mouth open in awe. I gave him a brief smile and then I saw the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I felt a blush creeping on my face and immediately looked towards Namjoon Hyung. I missed the way Yoongi hyung's face turning sour on the mention of hacking.

"But how can we believe you. We've just met." Yoongi Hyung said with narrowed eyes. I think it's probably wise not to tell him that he looks cute instead of scary. At least to me.

"You don't have to. I know we just met but it's an international issue and if we don't solve it, then it's gonna become a huge problem." I said in the most earnest voice I could.

I saw them all looking at each other. A silent conversation passed between them and I could see they came to a conclusion.

Namjoon Hyung looked towards me.

"Fine we believe you. But if it turns out to be a trap then you-"

"It's not. I promise." This must have satisfied him because he nodded and relaxed a little.

"When do we leave ?" Hoseok Hyung asked.

"3 months. Before that is too dangerous. Plus we also need a plan and all the equipment's."

"Fine. We'll start planning from tomorrow. I'll tell Sejin hyung tomorrow too." Namjoon Hyung said.

He got up and we all followed. There was an awkward silence but taehyung hyung broke it.

"I think Jungkook should stay with us. After all there's no plan without him."
I looked at him with wide eyes. He just gave me a smile. I looked down and a smile made it to my face.

"Ok. There's a spare bedroom. If you need anything feel free to come to me." Jin hyung said. "Besides if we're all going for the plan then we must be together."

Everyone nodded and started dispersing to their rooms. Jin hyung asked me to follow him. He showed me the room and again asked me to go to him for anything. After he was gone I closed the door and immediately jumped on the bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

Sleep was easy that night. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep not knowing that all the others were gathered in Namjoon Hyung and a jimin hyung's room.

The gyeongdam region is just a made up name. I have no idea if it exists or not and if it does please just think that it is in North Korea.

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