Chapter 4

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No one was able to sleep that night. They kept thinking about the boy and his where about. They didn't know who the boy was and how did he know their names. They don't know how the boy was able to hack one of the most difficult security systems in the world. They didn't know how he possessed the skills to fight of the highly trained bodyguards without a single injury. They didn't know what the boy wanted and it was driving them crazy.

The following morning namjoon woke up the earliest. Mainly because Sejin called his number like a thousand times. He didn't get a lot of sleep because he was thinking of the boy. He grumbled and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. He got dressed and slowly manoeuvred his way out of the house to not wake up the others.

He briskly walked towards sejin's office. He knocked and entered when he heard a faint 'come in'. Namjoon entered and looked at Sejin. He looked stressed and namjoon knew then that whatever Sejin has called him for ( especially if it was a thousand times ) must be very serious.

"Ah Namjoon. Come sit." Sejin said while giving him a faint smile.

Namjoon took the seat opposite to Sejin and started sipping the tea offered to him.

"What did you wanted to talk about hyung. It's 5:00 in the morning. It must be important." Namjoon said with the if-it's-not-important-enough-to-wake-me-up-at-goddamn-5-in-the-morning-I'll-kill-you tone.

"Oh namjoon believe me it is important. The thing is I could not find any information on the boy that broke into the agency. Not even a single damn thing. It's like he doesn't even exist. There is absolutely nothing to even tell a remote detail about him. His name, his parents, where is he from. Nothing. " Sejin said while running his hand through his hairs.

"But how is that possible hyung. There must be something. Anything." Namjoon asked a little desperately now. If they don't find anything on the boy then they wouldn't be able to find him. how will they know about him then.

Sejin just simply shook his head. He himself didn't know how there's no information on the said boy. It's not even possible. Although if the boy broke in ones, then he might do it again.

"I think that you will meet the boy anyway. And soon." Sejin said with a thoughtful face. By looking at Namjoon's confused expression Sejin stated speaking what was in his mind.
"I mean that if the boy broke in once he may break in again. You saw how desperate he was namjoon and how determined his face looked. However much I could see. I think he might break again and that too soon."

"I think you're right hyung. I better go back now. They all must be awake and waiting for me. We have a flight to catch. And a boy to find." Namjoon said while getting up speaking the last sentence to himself . He turned around and started walking towards their quarters with even more questions now and no answers.

He entered and saw that everybody was dressed and ready to go.

Seokjin saw him first and immediately walked towards him. He could tell that whatever news namjoon has was not good. He reached namjoon and wrapped his hands around his neck in a hug. Namjoon wrapped his hands around Jin's waist and buried his face in jin's shoulder. After a while namjoon detached himself from Jin.

Jin looked at him in worry. Namjoon shook his head and sat on the sofa. Soon everybody surrounded him but gave him space. They all knew that as Namjoon was the leader he had much more responsibilities then them. Much more burden and stress to carry.

Tae came and sat beside namjoon and held his hand. Namjoon looked up at Taehyung and smiled at him thanking him for the support by squeezing his hand in return.

"Guys. Sejin hyung called me this morning to talk about things. I asked him yesterday to find information on the boy. He called me for that."

"So what's that information ?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah. Who is he?" Jimin asked.

Namjoon sighed. "That's the thing. There's nothing." He said while watching their reactions carefully.

"What do you mean 'there's nothing'. I mean there must be something." Hoseok asked puzzled.

"I mean it Hobi. There's nothing. Not even a single damn information about the boy." Namjoon said while looking at him. Slightly irritated now.

"Namjoon that is ridiculous. If a person exists then some information would exist too. I mean it could be anywhere. Maybe it wasn't looked for properly." Hoseok said now getting irritated too. The others sensed the tension growing between them and tried to placate things between them.

Meanwhile Yoongi was is deep thoughts.
'If there is no information available for the boy then it must have been deleted. But why would someone do that.'
These thoughts started plaguing his mind.

"Namjoon you should go back to Sejin hyung and-"

"Hey guys. I think I know why there is no information available about that boy." Yoongi said cutting off whatever Hoseok was going to say to namjoon.

"What ? Why ?" Taehyung asked. A little to fast. Happy that someone cut of their argument. He was not very good at enduring fights between the group. He always hated it and tried everything to diffuse everything and send everything back to normal.

"I think it's because someone deleted it." He raised his hand and stopped Jimin of whatever he was going to say. "I'm explaining Jiminie. I think that someone or maybe the boy himself deleted all the information about him so that no one knows he exist. So no one could find him."

"I think that's reasonable Yoongs but what would someone do that ?" Jin asked.

"I just told hyung. To hide himself so that no one can find him."

"But why would he do that. I mean hide himself that is." Hoseok asked to no one in particular.

"I think there's only one way to know." Namjoon said. He looked at everyone. Everyone looked at him with determined faces.

"We have to go to Korea."

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