Chapter 12

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The boys and Sejin were all sitting in the conference room. The room was big and had a huge rectangle shaped table in the middle made of pure marble. The chairs were all made from the comfiest material and the right side of the room had huge windows overlooking the entire city. Jungkook was awed at the beauty that was the building. He never guessed that an organisation where assassination plans are made would look beautiful. But Jungkook knew that the prettiest things are always the deadliest.

They didn't have much surety about what was taking place in North Korea. But they did know that whatever it was is deadly and has to be stopped now. Or only god knows what will happen.

"So , about the chemical. It doesn't have a particular name but people knew it by the name of TO1. It got so famous back in 2005 that the purchases started happening all over the world. Either for good reasons or not. After the raid back in o6 , a list of buyers got discovered. The chemical was taken from them and destroyed. It was so dangerous that NASA took it upon themselves to destroy it in space as to not threaten the life on earth. You guys know about the mission 'Save Life' right ? This was the mission allotted to destroy the chemical. Apparently they sent the chemical via a rocket as near as they could towards the sun and presumbly blasted the tubes of chemical towards the sun. A huge explosion took place but the chemical was removed from earth and destroyed . I still don't know how or what activities have been going on in NK but it can be either related to TO1 or not because a high possibility is that someone did get their hands on a little bit of it before it being sent to space ." Sejin finished his presentation and sat down. This was all the information he could find regarding TO1.

The occupants in the room sat in silence for a few minutes to soak up all the information they have been given. There was no doubt about something shady stirring in NK but being confirmed about it is a whole another thing.

"We have to do something." Yoongi said.

"No shit hyung." Hoseok said sassily. And just as hard got hit on the back of his head by yoongi.

"Hyung that hurts." Hoseok whined while rubbing his head.

"A lesson for you to keep you mouth shut next time." Yoongi says and ignores Hoseok's pout.

Everybody chuckles at the antics of the two but the atmosphere goes tense ones again.

"So how do we gain more information hyung ? We very well can't just jump in ,can we?" Jimin asked. Directing his gaze towards the leader.

"No. No we cannot Jimin~ah. Not without at least having a little inn inside the plan. It would be stupid and put lives on risk." Namjoon answered. His gaze clearly troubled.

"But we have to do something to gain that information Joon. We can't just sit here waiting for some miracle to happen." Jin said while looking at the file he was given. He looked up into the eyes of the man he loves. He can clearly see the trouble in his eyes but he can also see a plan forming. And there it was.

"And we wont hyung. So here's the plan for now. Well send some of our best spies to North Korea in order to bring back information. Sejin you go and bing me names of all the people related to the 'Save Life' mission. Be it workers or the scientists. Don't leave anybody. Bring information about all the countries who had the chemical and also how the chemical was taken from them. I also want a list of all the people involved with Byun Jang In." Namjoon said looking at Sejin.

"On it boss." Sejin said.

"I think this can work." Jungkook said.

"I agree." Taehyung added.

"But the first problem is about them entering the country. After the 2016 ban the security has been increased x10 times." Seokjin said.

"Well that just can't happen then can it?" Taehyung said with a smirk.

Everybody looked at him. They know that Taehyung has connections because of his personality to just mingle with anyone and everyone. But they also know his stubbornness to not tell them anything till he has planned everything accurately and without a hitch. Jungkook didn't know Tae like everybody so he asked.

"What will you do Taehyung~ssi ?"

Taehyung wrinkled his nose at being addressed so formally.

"First of all you can call all of us hyung bunny. And second .... just wait and watch." Taehyung said and disappeared out from the room already in process of making a call.

On the other hand Jungkook felt a blush creeping on his neck by the nickname he was addressed from.
'Of god !! Bunny ! Oh my gosh !! Jungkook control. There are still others here. And why am I blushing ??!? Oh god.'

All the others were looking at Jungkook seeing the adorable blush on his cheeks. That was the moment that they realised that they are willing to trust Jungkook with all their being. Not even having the slightest hint of what fate has in store for them.

Sejin on the other hand was smiling seeing the faces of his bosses. Seeing the dopey smile and soft eyes , he too came to a conclusion that Bangtan is far too gone for this boy that they havent even realise it yet. How fun it would be to see their reactions when they do realise it. And Sejin honestly can't wait for the day.

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