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The door is opened by two security guards who salute the officer holding a person with handcuffs accompanied by another policeman. walking towards the investigation room, the person with handcuffs wiggled under the grip. "Just let me go" He requested, looking at them, Each on his side.

But they ignored him as same as done to any criminal. They forcefully made him sit on an old wooden chair and tied him to the table. One of the cops informed, "Soon your investigation will start so better be honest and spill the truth, you murderer"

The person with black hair sat on the chair groaned and tiredly defended, "I'm not a murderer! You have arrested the wrong person, let me go. She needs me, please..." Tears started to whelm up in his eyes before he could finish his words.

"Every criminal says the same"

Policemen went out of the room leaving the person, crying in his guilt. He stared at the door which had now been closed.

He never thought he would be here.

He never dreamt of hurting her.

It's my illusion. Isn't it?

He just wishes this is a bad dream which eventually will be over once he wakes up.

but, Karma is great!

He cried silently lowering his head on the table, hands pulling hair, furiously. He could only think of her. The smile that always was on that beautiful face was gone...Can maybe forever.

This is my fault. she would have survived when if I did not ever blame her. Not if I cursed her. He thought.

But there's no use in crying over sins that he made and what already happened.

Will crying bring her back?

He named as the murderer will bring her back from a coma? No!

All her soul wanted was to be loved. but what he did do? Pushed her to hell, from every dimension.

'Not everyone is lucky to get true and pure love.' and he proved it right.

I too became the same person who hurt her. I broke her. He cursed.

His sorry isn't going to help now.

As such he thought, her smiling face couldn't back off from his consciousness. He regrets being with her in the first place. Only if he hadn't spent his time with her, she wouldn't be lying on the hospital bed.

Suddenly, the door opened revealing a Tall handsome man, holding a clipboard. the black-haired person looked up in his direction and was surprised to find who he was.

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