E P I S O D E 5

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[ It's useful to hear the attached song ( paranoia- by Lucas King) while reading it *only till italic words* ]

A dark room! I was walking in it. Where am I? Here's dark everywhere. I could see barely anything, but walking in it, alone.

Suddenly, a footstep was heard.

*Tap Tap*

Making me gulp. I saw darkness and nothing else. I felt like I would pant at any moment that tired I was and for what reason I was exhausted? I don't know.

The sounds of the footsteps approached closer and closer. I was scared to death. Where do I go? Everything is a shadow in the darkness and nothing. Don't know where will it lead me to.

"Han ..."

Suddenly someone called Me. The voice was intense, soft, and ... masculine? I kept on walking to know who would  I clenched my heart, a quick speed it caught up, all of a sudden.

A sweet chuckle was heard then, "I am here ..." said, a male voice. The voice is so... mellifluous, pleasing, and sweet. If I hear this voice again, I can make it immediately. I did not know that the voice of a male can be soothing too.

I searched back and forth in uncertainty. What type of hallucinations are these? And from when do I start to hallucinate things?!

In a flash, someone went behind me. I stumbled back like it was watching me and was very close to my face. I felt eyed.

This all felt so hampered.

From nowhere, warm air blew on my right cheek, shoving a chill down my spine. I stumbled back, again. Who was that? Breathing heavily, I felt like there were people around me, but I was the one who couldn't able to see them. Whatever is coming to pass doesn't sense adequate, at all.

"What are you looking at?" Said, a sweet laughing voice. I frown, looking nowhere but the dingy surrounding. It was the same male voice.

Gulping, I quickened my pace and decided to run away. I ran as fast as I could. Didn't dare to look back. What if he might hurt me? Am I in danger?

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