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As if all drifts into a swipe and then black.

I felt my back come in contact with a rough surface. I howl at the contact, making an effort to figure out what happened. I squinted my eyes and as soon as I pulled myself together, I was scared-stiff with horror whilst jumping back covering my face with my arms when I found a boy tilting his head, bent low at an angle.

Narrowing my eyes my confusion overtaking me. Isn't this boy from earlier? Whom I-

Restlessly, I tried to move away when he suddenly stops me from extending his arm on the wall. I flinched once I heard a heavy sigh leave his mouth.

"Have we met before?" He asked, blowing a storm full of air.

I blinked. Haven't we met in class? Does he have difficulty remembering faces?

"I-I'm sorry, it was...an accident. I should have known who was in front of me. I'm sorry, please don't-" He cuts me off by saying,

"Screw that!" He cock-eyed, roaming his eyes up and down, he once again opened his mouth but closed it as if thinking something.         

His abnormally normal round doe orbs piercing into mine is unwholesome. I remember girls swinging around him and the words got me to jolt a bit.

'...you have to be careful. Not everybody is on good terms...'

Then Dad's words jogged across my mind.

He doesn't seem good. The way of him to see me, and more particularly his lip and eyebrow piercings caught my glimpse. Same as a... Tomboy?

"By the way, why were you hiding, back there?" he asked out of the blue. 

"why...why should I tell you?" I gulped and avoided eye contact with him. However, to my shock he laughed. "what? what's with the laugh? It isn't funny and can you please step back?" I said in a low tone. Made sure I don't sound rude.

"I got it anyway. Don't worry" he winked. I froze. He moved back happily, concealing his bottom lip with teeth. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. Can call me with any name, I would love it" and he fled before giving a quick intro.

What will be the reason to call him by any other name, huh?

Shrugging off the topic, I looked around and found myself still on the floor hallway. There was no one except a few. 



I made my way toward my room after meeting her. The way her feared eyes wavered around while talking just make me want her badly. I kinda liked when she tried to cover her face in class. If I tell the truth then, I felt like we have met before but couldn't remember exactly where. 

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