E P I S O D E 10

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A stick between his fingers lit from one edge flickers as Jimin sucks in his cheeks whilst the cigarette tossed between his lips and then inhaled quickly.

A puff of intoxication whiffed out of them, staring at the pool of glitter flicking up in the sky.

Nothing feels better than smoking here.

No One's around to bother him.

The wind blew in his hair, quivering on his forehead. A frigid breeze washed over his face as he sat on the peak of the University's terrace.

He slightly sneezed into the sleeve of his jacket. "Winter's hitting..." And he sucked in the cigar.

Jimin's mind gradually swerved to his dream from before. Her every touch felt real. Those tiny millions of diamonds twinkling in the night sky reminisced him of her eyes: an endless ocean, an icy wasteland, and a river of stars and he doesn't know how many more words he should enhance to decipher his sudden desperation.

He closed his eyes.

Like a dark canvas freckled with millions of droplets of white paint, her eyes would shimmer in the darkness. Would soak his all anxieties. Retains the potential to wipe out people harming him.

Sighing, he sucked in, allowing his sorrow to engulf every part of him.

Pulling him back to reality, his attention was drawn to the Terrace entrance when the door cracked open. Not much but a dull gloomy light flickering on the edge of the cliff became the source to see.

A girl stood clenching the door, breathing heavily.

His eyes squinted, pulling his brows together.

She fell to the ground and loud sobs followed suit.

To him, it would just be an ordinary thing to witness. However, He'd have met face-to-face much worse than this. It is just a piece of old tackie.

After a few minutes, she walked toward the cliff edge under the light. For a second, he almost panicked she might jump off it but she gazed at the sky. Releasing an unnoticeable sigh of relief from him.

Her back faced him so she didn't notice jimin's presence. On the other hand, he rolled his eyes for thinking such things. She simply would not have the courage to take such a big step over a petty relationship or break up. He thought.

As he was about to climb down the cliff after crushing the stick. Someone burst in again. This time he noticed it was a tall guy whose step slowed down as his eyes fall on her.

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