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You got ready for lectures as usual. You had been pleasantly besieged by joy and warmth of liberty as a teen kid would feel when he/she is alone at home.

It's not your fault though. Can't blame the people who did it all just to keep you safe. Adapting something different and new takes time.

Though you were scared to talk with others once, your spectacular array was always on tip of your toe and that's what the best quality makes you sparkle.

You skipped from the dormitory after making an uneven breakfast.

It was a fine Autumn day.

You watched people strolling across the street. Busy babbling with partners or on phone calls.

Passing over the lively road of the university, you heard the scuffling of feet on the other side. Nudging some students to catch up with the chaotic crowd, your eyes lay on the poster on which everybody's eyes were fixated. You watch wistfully at the students who were jumping wildly and gossiping over it.

You couldn't refine the reason behind it but when reading the words, it was pretty clear that this madness was for a party.

So, cheers! I would now like to heartily welcome you all as we are now Heading Futher to celebrate and enjoy the party Organized Exclusively for all of you which is rightly known as The Fresher's Party.

Venue: Main Ballroom

-The Chancellor.

Does it matter? Well, will see anyway.

But first, now let's head for the lectures.


After lessons;

You were having your lunch at the cafeteria. While the others were busy doing everything except eating.

You were simply distant and indifferent, discussing with yourself about the party.

When you were returning to your class back for the next lecture, there was an appalling crowd in the middle of the hallway. The crowd gasped every second. You rushed through the walking students to it only to find an infuriated girl, knocking someone out. You huffed at the sight. A boy surviving under the endless smashes. She beat him on the face and stomach like a madman.

You looked over others who were whispering to each other, but no one showed up to break off the fight. By the way, the fight is always from both sides, not just one crushing the other.

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