E P I S O D E 3

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After what felt like Eternity your Dad stepped out of the room. Turned left, and made his way to your room. Hiking upstairs. Then to right. At the very end of the hallway, your room was located. He knocked, but no response from you. So he twisted the knob and opened it. He looked left and right, but you were nowhere to be found. So he simply closed the door and began hurrying outside the villa.

He knew, that whenever you are disturbed or infuriated. You are always to be found in the lawn's very corner area. Where there is no one to disturb you. 

He entered the garden and was about to go to the corner area when his eyes docked on the small figure crouching silently on his left on the main woody stem-cut chair, trunk. His brows dropped together and headed to your side. he observed you, sat legs folded, staring straight, the face is void, revealing no expression. At all. 

He gradually sat beside you and looked before him, the view of the gloomy silent sea was gleaming under the daylight, radiantly. "you see, this sea is not bright as it looks like," you turned your head to him with confusion. He looked at you and scan the difficulty and answered. "it's glowing only because of the Sun otherwise, without it sea shall not be sparkling this way on its own," he finished, gazing flat at the sea. But you were not able to buy what he was aiming to tell you. 

"what do you mean?" you ask, yet with no energy in your voice. 

"I mean is that you have your life to move on yourself. I- we want you to shine on your own will. so, " he faced you with raised eyebrows.

"so I can go?!" you complete his sentence, astonished. He nods with a small smile. You instantly hopped on and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Dad. Thank you so much!" you cry out, can't believe what he said. You can go. Alone. Far from this isolation. Finally. Everyone needs Father like him. 

"It's alright, beloved," he said, patting your back. You still can't speculate his utterances.

You both backed off and he said with worry "But, you have to be cautious. Not everybody is on good terms," you nod as you sat back on your chair, grinning widely. "Remember, don't depend too much on anyone" He looked at you and caressed your hair, warning "Everyone changes when they meet new people. Never let a soul on this earth make you feel like you ain't enough. You know what Love is, right?" you shook your head. you just know what the love of your parents is. you never experienced or seen what love feels like in real.

"H-how would I know? Never even seen the world" you mumbled to yourself staring at the sea, but sufficient for your dad to heed.

He chuckled, "I think the most beautiful thing you could ever experience is finding someone who wants your all. The true self of yours. Even when you are in mess" You grinned and looked down. 

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