E P I S O D E 14

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Ji-Eun's POV

I found myself in a dimly lit room illuminated only by a single bulb hanging over the table in front of me. The air inside the room was strange and suffocating, triggering a sense of anxiety and unwanted dread within me.

The door opened and a man entered the room.

The detective sat across from me. Summoning together the courage, I was prepared for his disturbing questions but to my surprise, his expression was filled with empathy and understanding. He began the conversation by assuring me that he was there to support me, "I want you to know that I'm here to listen and help you through this. Take your time and know that you're in a safe space."

I took a deep breath, appreciating the detective's reassuring words.

"So miss..." he trailed off his words for me to complete.

"Han Jieun. I'm a university student. First-year."

"Miss Han, can you please elaborate on the incident, briefly?"

I started sharing my experience, recounting the details of the sexual harassment I had endured. The detective listened attentively, nodding occasionally to show his understanding.

As I spoke, the Detective asked questions, carefully choosing his words to avoid retraumatizing me. He focused on gathering the necessary information while being mindful of my emotional well-being.

Middle of talking my throat cracked because of dryness, I blew out a shaky breath and proceeded with my final words.

"The door in the hallway was slightly cracked open. Muffled voices were been heard and after that when I was walking away..." my eyes fell on my lap. I squeezed my thumb and with gritted teeth I continued "That man...he appeared out of the blue and tried to force himself on me" I gulped a lump. "It was all of a sudden that Min appeared out of nowhere and kicked him off. When I asked her how she knew where was I she replied-"

"Okay. I know that. She has already said her part of the statement." He typed on the laptop for the next few minutes.

Throughout the conversation, Detective made sure to validate my feelings and experiences. He emphasized that what had happened was not my fault and that I had the right to feel safe and respected.

"Miss Han, did you find something strange about him?" he inquired with a raised brow.

I replayed everything from start to end and couldn't recall anything else.

I was just about to answer him, but he interrupted me, asking if there was anything strange that I noticed at the place where I met him.

The place?

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