E P I S O D E 9

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It was nighttime. Every student was eagerly waiting for the party hour. Except for the one, me. It wasn't tough for me to agree on whether to go or not but at the same time, the thought of the party's atmosphere would make me think twice before I say yes to myself.

Digging through others' chats, the party didn't sound normal, at all. The mention of beverages made me afraid or kind of uneasy. Wasn't it the party organized by the University itself? But it all sounds alternate.

I stood from the bed holding piles of my clothes and shoved them into one side of the wardrobe. Closing it, I went to pick up the books scattered on the bed.

It was roughly Eight in the evening.

I starved, patting my stomach, glancing at the kitchen which, actually, never looked like one. I decided to finally give a hand to cooking.

"Pan, cooking oil, ...salt, spatula, ...um pepper powder? and flour. All set" I clapped, grinning. It's the first time. I'm excited, "But wait- what am I cooking?!"

Cracking an egg carefully and pouring it into the oily pan gave out a pro chef feeling, already. Sprinkled a genuine amount of spices. Determined in the work of swirling the pan, fully focused that when the door dashed open, the hold on the pan loosened and fell on the floor, scattering the food everywhere. My eyes went wide, mouth hung low.

All the hard work was wasted. Though it was just a damn omelet.

"Oh- am sorry..." I snapped my head at the owner of the voice. Taehyung smiled, awkwardly standing at the doorstep.

I was loaded with anger. It's the first-ever time I tried to cook a goddamn omelet only to crash it.

I sighed and bent down to pick it up with a chopstick.

Taehyung awkwardly stood at the point, scratching the back of his neck. He cleared his throat and asked, "won't you come to the party?"

Tossing the waste in the bin, I shook my head. "No. I'm good. Thank you "

"You should come. It's mainly for the freshers" he frowned.


There I go...

First of all, why am I even here?!

Yeah, I mean I already know that right?

I found myself in front of the grand entrance of 'The Ballroom" which once used to be a sleek and steady mood, now has turned into some wild chamber. Damn.

Heaving a sign, I stepped onto the first stair of the gate, putting together the courage to confront new foreign faces and the nervousness.

The guards standing on each of the sides scanned me from head to toe, nodding and opening the gates. Even though they hesitated at the first at my poor attire, but let it slip as many were in the queue.

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