E P I S O D E 2

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ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ[NOTE: Starting from this point, the story pertains to the events that occurred precisely five years ago, as described in chapter one, unless otherwise stated

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[NOTE: Starting from this point, the story pertains to the events that occurred precisely five years ago, as described in chapter one, unless otherwise stated.]


She stroked my cheeks, and I closed my weepy eyes to savor her touch. While I was lost in thought, her feeble voice brought me back to reality, calling my name.

I notice her lips quivering, "Aira? I'm not able to hear you" but she smiled with a painful blink. I signed. I was shattered because of her condition.

"Aira, stay strong, ..." I took a deep breath as I wept for hours. I knew I would never see her or feel her touch again. "Nothing is going to happen to you," I said, stifling her hand as it was entwined with mine over my face. I leaned forward, crying silently and mumbling to myself to stay strong even though I know it can be tough to accept what has happened, and it may feel like there's nothing we can do to change it. But please know that I'm here for you. 

A wave of intense emotion overtook me, and tears flowed uncontrollably down my cheeks as if the weight of my feelings was too much to bear.

"Jimin..." With a final sniff, I looked at her sadly and let out a heartbroken sigh, knowing that this would be our last conversation. She whispered her reply.

"Before I die... I just want to know-"



 "Jimin, Jimin! Did you space out again?" a voice brought me back to reality. He chuckled. I looked around and realized we had already reached our destination. .

Was I again dreaming?

"Come on, let's go," Jungkook said as he waved and got out of the car. I followed suit, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

I signed, breathing in the fragile poise air.

This place hasn't chang-

All of a sudden, a plastic sheet flew onto my face, feeling like a slap in return for complimenting the area. I immediately peeled it off, and a sick expression emerged on my face.

"Wow, No one else can Throw a welcome" Throwing on a sardonic remark, I peeked around the place. This place has changed a lot and needs more cleaning and hygiene for sure.

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