E P I S O D E 13

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"I see. You are Taehyung's roommate"

Min puffs out the smoke from her teeth and gulps down before inhaling again. She said without looking at me but at the city lights glowing miles away.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear her say that.

I don't know what she wants to say to me at this hour. I don't even know why I'm here seeing her burning her lungs down in the first place. After all the stalking I did and she not giving a damn about it, now she wants to talk to me? 

She drops her shoulder like she knows I want her to start first. She crushes the remaining stick on the concrete railing where she was leaning on a second ago.

She turned to look at me, resting her elbow on the railing. "You must be thinking why would I ask you to come to the rooftop or what I want to talk to you here alone about" She begins. The smell of smoke irritated my nostrils, "Well, the thing is..." She looked at the glowing lights from the city before locking her eyes on me "The man who was caught harassing you at the fresher's party night was later arrested that night,"

I nodded. I see where she is going but I could not join the points.

"And the police called me about that in the evening" I nod as I remember her getting a call and her face turning into a serious one, "They said they want to investigate the girl harassed by him "

I hesitated because I don't know if I'm ready for this or if I'm strong enough to talk about what happened, openly. "Erm of course. But why do they want to have an investigation about it now? I mean, after three days?"

"They have got to know that the man is part of a gang and they have asked you to come for some questioning" Her eyebrows fell together.

"What the police would get from me?" I asked, equally confused as her.

She shrugs, lazily "I don't know. Maybe just want to get a statement that you were a victim of sexual harassment"

I sighed, leaning on the railing and resting my forehead on my folded hands. Yeah, it can be. But why after three days?

"If you aren't comfortable with that then it's okay. No one is forcing you" I look up at her and now she is resting on her back with her hands folded over her chest and legs crossed at the ankles. "They didn't talk much about it but it was obvious that something was fishy about that bastard that the police had to investigate him and even call you for questioning"

"Yeah, you are right. If I can be of any help, I certainly will be" I stand straight looking up at her as she is taller than me. I'm sure I saw a glimpse of a smile on her lips like an almost invisible smile. "Why would you bring me to the rooftop just to say this?"

"I thought maybe you weren't comfortable talking about it out loud, especially in front of a male or something" It is true I'm not comfortable talking about that night to anyone yet, not even in front of Taehyung as he is the only friend I have. I guess he already knows what happened that night to me. It was the most horrible day ever and I wish I could erase it from my memories.

I inhaled and exhaled, calming myself to the point where I came across the moment when she came to save me that day. I quickly asked her, "How did you know that I was there in the dark hallway?"

"Uh that, I saw you being pulled inside the door. It was dark so I wasn't sure if what I saw was true. It was my gut feeling that told me it was true"

I don't know how to tell her how thankful I am. She is standing right in front of me now and I have no words left.


Next day.

Author's POV.

"Don't call me I will be back before dinner" Jimin said as he adjusted his jacket.

"Yup," Jungkook said without looking away from his game. "but don't forget to bring banana milk, shawty"

Jimin playfully rolled his eyes and scoffed "As if" and he shut the door behind him.

The winter started to hit. It became the perfect weather to go on a walk.

It was an hour or two left to set the sun.

He didn't even realize how far he arrived while walking like his legs taking him on their own as he found himself on the bus and the next moment in front of the children's orphanage home's gate.

The orphanage home was big with a garden in front of it.

He watched some children playing around while some of them sat under a huge tree, drawing or laughing with each other having the best time they could have. Out of all of them, his eyes stopped on a little boy. He was in a wheelchair. It looked like he was struggling to move his wheels but couldn't. Something was stuck in his chair's wheel.

Jimin looked around but no one was coming to help him. Then suddenly, he saw that the little boy had fallen from his chair. Jimin stepped forward only to be stopped by the huge gate. He has to do something to help him. He shook the Metal gate bars but it seemed it was locked from the inside.

He called for the watchman or the security but his voice was not heard by anyone because of the noises.

Without thinking twice, he jumped over the gate. He ran toward the kid before he landed on the ground, safely.

He helped the kid to get back into the wheelchair. "You okay, kid?" The boy slowly nodded and once jimin made sure the little boy was okay, he kneeled to examine the wheel which got stuck in plastic cords. There were a total of four cords tied tightly.

He glanced at the boy before walking away to fetch a sharp object. A minute later, jimin walked back to him with a glass piece in his hand and cut all the cords.

The kid thanked him and wheeled himself away.

Jimin couldn't help but let a smile spread across his face as he jumped outside the home's gate.

Before he strolled away he heard a girl exclaim far behind him, he turned to look at a little girl running toward the kid he just helped. She gasped when the boy told her about the small incident. She sighed in relief holding his hand when the boy told her about Jimin helping him. But the next moment she started to yell out of concern at him.

Jimin chuckled.

Maybe she's a friend of his. They look almost the same age. He thought while his one hand rested on the metal gate bar and watched the girl wheel him inside the home.

"She is happy that her friend is okay"

Jimin startles and turns to look at the owner of the voice. He saw a girl standing beside him, hands folded over her chest and looking in the same direction as him. He frowns at her.

There was a long silence between them. Like the time stopped ticking and jimin's world ceased.

She turns to look at him. "but it looks like...you aren't" She glances at his right hand.

Jimin quickly looked down at his hand. His palm had a few cuts and blood over it. Jimin surely was not able to withdraw the frown from his face. He was confused just like you are now. Lol.

To Be Continued.

A/n: Instead of writing orphanage, I wrote home because that's what sounded right to me.

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