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Ji Eun's POV

I put back the cup on the table after taking a sip. It was lunchtime. I was at the canteen eating as I watched Min from a few tables away.

She sat alone eating her lunch in the corner while earphones plugged in and scrolling down her phone. It was hard to find her because I didn't know where her classes were or which block she lived in. It was easy to find her on the day of the boxing championship because of the posters that had her picture on them.

I want to talk to her. I don't know how. I can just go, sit beside her, and talk to her but it seems harder than said. Though we have met before in the changing room which probably didn't go as planned. But still, it makes me curious. There are some questions unsolved and I need to know that.


"Oh my god!" I bring my hands to my chest. "You scared me!!" I looked beside me at the person.

He grinned revealing his bunny teeth "Sorry"

"Why are you here?" I asked.

He leaned forward "Isn't it obvious if we are in the canteen I'm here for lunch?''

I rolled my eyes and concentrated on my food. "You'd better shove off from here"

"Why? Does that bother you that I'm sitting beside you...close?" He whispered close to me.

I'd be lying if I tell I didn't get chills running down my spine. I gulped down the food, "why would that bother me?!"

"Just say it whenever I am near, it tenses you up" His face was so close that our noses brushed each other. I can't help but gulp the lump in my throat.

No, don't look at his lips. Don't.

He had a lip Piercing in the corner of his bottom lip which slowly started to distract me.

When I caught him grinning at me I was looking at his mouth. I pushed him away.

"Go away" I resumed my work. Watching Min. She was not there where she was before.

Wait. Where did she go? She was right there in front of me a few minutes ago.

"See. Didn't that bother you?" He laughed, sipping from my coffee.

"Hey! That's mine. Give it back to me!" I said reaching up for the cup when he raised it over his head. I stood to grab it while he was still sitted. He moved the cup backward up in the air and I had to lean on him even if I didn't want to. I love my coffee more than anything.

"Give it back or," my foot tripped, and I fell on him. We landed on the floor with him underneath me. I groaned as my head hit his chest due to the impact.

"Fell for me already?" He asked looking up at me as he grinned. I scoffed and hit his chest, annoyingly. I stand brushing myself off. The coffee spilled away from where we fell.

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