E P I S O D E 11

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The incident from yesterday has boosted the awkwardness between us even more. I would have just gone to bed yesterday night and had a peaceful sleep rather than having him help me. Just staying in one room was enough til yet but from now on it's even more I guess.

Today morning got even worse. If the ground had to swallow me I would happily let it do it because that's what I want it to do.

I, accidentally, ran into him when he was in the shower. I swear it was by mistake and I had no intention to see him naked as a morning view.

I was half asleep when I opened the door to the bathroom and I didn't even realize I was staring at a naked man's back, blankly until Taehyung turned around to reveal what I never in my life wanted to know. He paused mid-way scrubbing his slick chest.

I stared at him. He stared back at me.

He's naked.

That's what crossed my mind. My eyes widen. He stayed quiet.

He. Is. Naked.

My hand reached my mouth swallowing the scream ready to break out. With eyes burning from the stare he threw at me, I could not look at him anymore.

I twirled on my heel only to trip with my legs as if I forgot how to walk. I fell face-first on the cold bathroom floor with embarrassment painted on me.



A strong punch on the girl's jaw and she plopped onto the canvas. Her body bounced back on the boxing ring floor as she lay down like a lifeless body.

The moment that girl had no further movements, the referee whistled and grabbed Min's wrist, raising it. The crowd screamed like they were waiting for this moment. Everyone cheered sitting around the boxing ring.

Boys and girls. Especially, boys who had banners- "I Fighting, Min", And "fighting!" And "We are always with you"-written on it with hearts.

Sweats were breaking down her body as she breathed heavily. Her eyes were like usual as sharp as a knife's edge. She looked hot, standing at the center of the ring while her hand raised proudly with the referee's support but something looked odd to me. Her facial expression. Anybody in her shoe would be celebrating and eaten like a horse with excitement whereas she- No, she looked none of them right now.

Wasn't she happy after winning a girl's boxing championship held at university?


I had so many questions to ask her. I was desperately waiting for her to walk out of the girl's changing room but now I had left with no patience.

I walked into the room. Some girls were busy changing or packing while my eyes scanned for Min. There is no way she left because I was there the whole time without a single blink.

I stepped further into the room till I was standing beside the lockers. There were many unknown faces except one.

She was sitting in a corner on a bench in front of her locker which seemed open. Her head hung low or maybe staring at something in her hands. I stopped behind her. My fingers grasped around my bag's strip on my shoulder looking across her shoulder.

Her thumbnail scratched the gold medal, slowly. However, she appeared calm. Like her mind was racing with thoughts and feelings. She was sad?
Like the fighter girl was sad?

For how many days I have stayed yet, I have heard about her a lot. She is the popular tomboy around the university and loves to fight. She beat boys who harass girls or worst— cheat on them. So everyone is afraid of her.

It's a saying, there is always a reason behind every happening.

She stood, making me startle. She practically threw the medal in the locker like trash and slammed the door to lock it. When she did so everyone else presents in the room flinched and rushed out while I processed the happening.

Now it was only me and her.

She turned around, landing her eyes on me. Those dashing eyes under her thick lashes glared, standing in her sports bra and shorts. She looked different. Not the wild type as she is.

She raised heWillow as if saying "will you say somethiJ-jieunH-hi. I'm Han j-jieun. First-year-" she cut me off.

"So?" She spoke to me for the first time.

For a minute I too forgot the purpose of meeting her because of her glares.

"If you are here to thank She No, not accepted" she pulled the sports bag over her shoulder before picking up her jacket. She left.

I sprinted back to her and stopped her in front of the changing room door spreading my arms wide. Her eyes rolling didn't go unnoticed by me. "Hey, hey. But I'll thank you anyway" I frowned when she rolled her eyes again.

"Get the fuck out of my way, will you?" She said, lazily.

"Thank you so much for saving me-" she pushed past me, leaving me dumbfounded.


Author's POV

Jimin walked out of the boy's changing room in his boxer shorts and T-shirt. Before he could head toward his practice. He saw a girl standing with arms wide open with wide eyes.

She didn't notice jimin though he was the one she was looking at.

He raised an eyebrow and looked to his right, thinking, there must be someone she would be waiting to hug but there was no one. Jimin didn't care to look closely at who she was and left.

Dust skimmed out of the punching bag when jimin punched it. The heavy black sandbag didn't budge an inch. Sunlight shines on a small portion of the boxing practice room.

Rage rouses up in him. He appears to lose his temper remembering events of the past years. He took a step back tightening the cloth around his palm he landed punches, repeatedly, again and again.

One last strong stab of his fist on the sandbag and it explodes from the back

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One last strong stab of his fist on the sandbag and it explodes from the back. He breathed heavily backing away and watching the dust fade into the thin air as if it never existed just like Han Aira.

The world seems oblivious to a live's disappearance of an innocent human whom he once loved and still does. The world was cruel to her but she became a light to his darkness. A strong gleam that she awakened within him, unknowingly, would bring him to the state he is in, now.

It was that he never dreamt of. To lose the person he loved the most.

However, dreams now have turned into nightmares. Destructively, rusting him from the inside. His grief took a turn leaving him with a vengeance. He was void. Surviving just for the sake of his friends and the promise he'd made to her.

To Be Continued.

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