E P I S O D E 4

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The flight landed hours ago.

Time: 8.45 pm.

I got the taxi.

As the taxi drove reflecting the streets twinkling with bright colorful LED lights in my sight. It was the view I never witnessed, a glorious evening. Always the same massive yard, blue view, and the white apron dolls imprisoning me. But still, a thought hung back in my mind that why Mom and Dad were scared to send me here.

Here I am in a single piece. It doesn't seem unstable, at all.

The car went on and took a turn from there it traversed a busy, well-laid-out shopping street sparkling with lights and, turning, passed into a wider thoroughfare. Such big, bright-looking shops! What glittering displays of clothes and other merchandise! Such big crowds!

Struck dumb with wonder, I gaped at everything my eyes lay on.

The taxi suddenly stopped causing me to wonder, glancing at the taxi driver, confused.

He informed me that I reached my destination. Seoul University.

And here I come my Dream...


Applying full force to pull my bags with me up on a sloping path that leads to the dorm area.

I landed across a vast corridor that was no less than any eerie alley with uncountable rooms aligned in a row. There's no one, except me, and the night insect's chirping eats like a horse in the empty area to finalize the whole dreadful scene.

Are they asleep already? But it's still-

Yeah, got it. It's been 10.

Room 202!

I twisted the doorknob. It went in like a crazy witch's chuckle. Cranky much. when the door unlocked. The room was coated in dark. Feels like I don't have a roommate. With a little smile, I switched on the lights and closed the door behind me.

The room is smaller than my bathroom. Duh.

But not bad tho. It was fine for a good living. It has a mini corner compartment designed like a mini-cute-kitchen on the right side of the room, one king-size bed, a medium-sized couch, a multi-size wardrobe just opposite the mini kitchen, shelves of books on the right side of the door wall, a study table it should be empty but it has some books lying around, did someone acquired this room already?

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