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In a land far from humans. There's a great magical forest called by many names. From huanted blood forest to the devil's nest. Humans have given it because of how many people have been claimed within its borders. Only one tribe of humans live there, and they call it by a different name. They call it mother Morningstar's cradel. Legend has it if a human is kissed by the mother tree's children. They'll be blessed into her ranks. Giving the human magic ,and allowing them to become part of her fay children. Where there is light. Darkness will come to take root. Those who have abandoned the mother tree and her ways. Are cursed to survive without magic. However, there is one way for the fallen ones to regain the power lost, but with it comes a change that can't be stopped. For that reason, the fay stay in hiding. While they do spread magic to help the forest grow. Fay try to stay away from humans as much as possible. For if they are captured. The forest would surely die. One man stands alone to change it though. The king of the fay who's blessed with the most magic. He wishes to coexist alongside humans in hope of a better future.

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