17: Lies From Forest Rot

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3rd person pov:

Hawks couldn't believe what lies touya is being fed.

"That's  not true! I was never going to help my father! I... I actually had to... k-"

The vision shows Touya's family bowing to the king.

Enji: "please let us go. Touya is the only one with power. We will give up the marks if it means you take Touya in our place. He's no son of mine because he fell for a fay."

Touya's thoughts ring out with anger as they echo threw the darkness.

"Those assholes! They'll pay for this."

His flames spread out more. That's when the vision shows the moment where I decapitated my father. Only instead of crying. I was smirking. With a low metter of lies.

"Now He's my human to play with as I see fit."

Hawks runs towards Touya as the flames set the castle around him on fire.  Hawks tries to hug him but makes to contact. Since this is the shadows of the past.

"Touya please, if you can hear me. I need you to know that I killed him to save you. With your caring family. The decay has lied to you!"

Dabi sits in the basement thinking back to his past. Only to here Hawks voice calling out to him.


"So you know the  truth now."

^That monster fed you lies. Please look into my memories and you'll see what really happened! I love you and that'll never change.^

Dabi taps into Hawks memories to see that Hawks stopped the royal guard and challenged the king along with the todoroki's. Defeating him and trying to find touya. Even as the castle was burning. Hawks couldn't stop looking. With burned wings and little to no air to breathe. Enji had to pull Hawks away. While Hawks was asleep from smoke inhalation. The todoroki's when to put out the fire and continue the search. That was the last keigo saw of them.

Dabi's memories fill in the gap of murderous rage that turned them to ash. Enji escaped to get backup, but as his back was turned. Touya covered his hand in fire and cut enji's head off.

Dabi: "I guess we have something se in common now."

Just as dabi was about to get deeper into darkness. He hears sobs coming from Hawks memories. So he turns around. In surprise, he sees Hawks using magic to keep the blue spider lilly alive for years. Every night Hawks would curl around the vase and cry himself to sleep.  This causes dabi to start crying.

"You idiot. ...... WHY LOVE A MONSTER!?"

Dabi looks down and sees a feather coming from the left. So he glances over to see Hawks with open arms. As dabi runs over to Hawks. Darkness pulls Hawks deeper. So Hawks reaches out for Dabi's hand.



tenko: ^Not until I rid this forrest of all its fay, including the royal line. Only then will I reunite you both in death.^

As dabi uses fire. The darkness on his mark spreads causing him great amount of pain. It's enough to bring dabi to his knees.

"I'm too far gone. For I'm his marked meal, but you still have a chance. Give him a black eye for me will you? ________"

With that, dabi is also swallowed by the decay. With only minutes left to save him before tenko strips him of all his spirit. Which is a fate worse than death.

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