8: Magic Wish

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3rd person pov:

Once the sleeping meds kicked Hawks into deep slumber. Dabi picks him up to take him threw the locked doorway.

"I have more use for you before I give you to master. "

Dabi said to the quiet fay.

Hawks dreams of his past. Of a time where fay didn't allow any humans in the forrest. As baby keigo gracefully glides threw the trees. He hears a loud cry coming from outside of the forrest. He hides in the thick leaves of a tree to see a red haired man exposing himself like a shield. Behind him is a woman with snow white hair holding a rounded blanket in her arms.

^who are they, and why can't I sense magic in them?^

Across the field a human with short black hair, and a beek mask aims an arrow at them.


"You won't be getting past me. The fay are here for the forrest. Not wall art for an anderthaw like you!"

The man with the arrow twitches an eyebrow as a nerve patrodes from his forehead in anger.


The arrow goes from the man to the woman before firing off a shot.

The look of fear on their faces tells keigo that the flying pointed feather stick isn't good. So with a quick glide over. Keigo knocks it off its trajectory before contact. All three are surprised to actually see a fay in person.

"That's enough! Go home or I'll turn you into fertilizer for the mother tree."

Even as a kid. Keigo's eyes showed murderous intention to the beek bandit. So he ran away in fear. Those once evil eyes glisten with joy and curiosity at the sound of a kid crying.

"Mis, are you a mother by any chance?"

The woman uncovers her three year old son who looks to be in rough shape. That's when Keigo's smile fades away.

"What happened?"

The man holds his wife and son.

"We were chased out of our village because we didn't want to hunt fay. Unfortunately there's  no food between there and here. So touya isn't doing  so well. At this rate I fear he won't live another day."

Keigo Flys up and sends a feather to each one.

"With these i can grant you a day in the forrest for food. If you guard the forrest from outsiders. I'll grant you permission to stay longer as part of the fay."

"Are you sure?"

The man says with hope in his eyes. Keigo nods and bows to them while pointing his arms towards the forrest like a gentleman.

"Please stay as my guests."

Keigo was only four at the time. So he didn't understand what he had just done to that innocent family.

With a smile keigo had hoped that these humans would be his friends. Only to wake up in Dabi's house suspended in a alchemists lab by magic rings.

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