12: The Glare Of Pain

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3rd person:

The door opens to a blood soaked Dabi and staff. More magic pulses around him in a dark ora. Hawks frozen with fear puts his back against the wall beside the cabinet.

^W.....what has happened to him? Should I make a run for it? I mean at least now I know where the exit is, but-^

Hawks clinches his fists tightly.

^I fear that he'll kill me!^

In a heavy breath. Dabi's eye catches the sight of red feather brisils in the lock.

"I see you were busy."

Hawks eyes widen more as dabi approaches him. As dabi gets two steps away. Hawks closes his eyes in anticipation. Only for dabi to head to the glowing bowl and feed it magic from the staff. Hawks sees a chance to get away,  but before he can move. Dabi speaks.

"Go to the basement and I'll see you shortly for your punishment."

Even though the door to freedom is unlocked and open. Hawks refuses to leave, and obeys dabi. As Hawks walks out of the room. He hears dabi mutter something.

"Thank you."

The tone of his voice was soft and kind, but his eyes didn't share that when he first walked in. Hawks saw sarrow, dread, and pain buried in hatred.

Once in the basement, Hawks sits on the edge of the bed awaiting his fate to be decided. About that time Hawks regains one of his massive feathers, but with it came a vision of  Hawks father smirking while standing above someone that is sharing this vision with hawks. The person is in the basement that Hawks is in, and they're chained to the bed. While crying out for help.

"Keigo...... please...... help me."

The vision ends and hawks returns to reality crying. About that time dabi walks in without his staff. So Hawks uses the big feather as a sword and puts it to Dabi's throat.

"Tell me dabi~ Who are you really and where are we?"

Dabi's face goes from neutral to a smirk. Yet his eyes fill with more sarrow and pain.

"That's easy. You see I'm a monster, and this place is your coffin."

Hawks is grabbed and forced to lay on his stomach to face away from dabi. This stuns Hawks until the click of the cuffs locking Hawks in place pull him from thought. That's also about the time dabi straddles hawks.

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