18: My Fire Is Yours

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3rd person pov:

Hawks now sees the death that tenko has done with his body.

"What have you done? Those people didn't deserve this."

That's when hawks sees four of his guards surrounding his body. As mirako fights Hawks. Bakugou, iida, and izuku flank him from three sides to pin him down.

Mirako: "Damn bird, I know you aren't this weak. Give us a real fight."

Izuku: "I don't think that's a good idea."

Iida: "break the hold! We'll stop the violence by holding you here until you are yourself again!"

Bakugou: "Don't take too long or I'll kill you."

Tenko laughs and holds Hawks back from the light of his friends.

^All of them will soon die by your hands. So I'll let you watch as it happens. Your anger and sarrow will be my dinner, and touya will be desert.^

About that time tokoyami walks in with the blue spider Lilly in hand.

Tokoyami: "remember what you told me this flower was to you?"

Hawks :"It's the love my past."

Tokoyami plucks it and stomps it infront of hawks and the others.

Tokoyami: "it's time you put the past behind you,  and move towards a brighter future. He's gone, but we'll always be here for you."

Hawks freezes as his emotional state is jared. His body thrashes with anger as tears poor like black fungus down his Cheeks.


As tenko gets them off hawks body. Keigo comes up from behind tenko while he's distracted.

"For touya, for enji, for natsuo, fuyumi, shoto, and RAI! You time is UP!"

His wings shine bright like the sun. Lighting up the darkness and tenko with it. As tenko aims to strike everyone down. In the blink of an eye. Keigo is at tenko's throat with a blue feather flame blade in hand.

^How is this posable!? Those flames should be mine!^

That's when tenko sees the thread of magic coming from tenko's stomach.

"Our love will destroy your very being!"

Dabi: "NOW!-

Hawks: "-DIIIIIE!!!"

A single slice turns tenko to ash. Freeing hawks from his control. However some magic of decay lingers in the old castle. Sensing it,, hawks Flys to it without a word to anyone. Once out of the room, iida sees that Hawks feathers are frantically vanishing at a dangerous level.

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