11: His Nature

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3rd person pov:

As dabi went to turn around to face the stove. Hawks sits down to eat at the table. All awhile his breathing and heart rate increase s.

^I shouldn't feel this strongly for him, and yet I can't help myself. I........ I want him so much.^

As dabi sets down his food on the table. Hawks quickly moves like a bolt of lightning. Hawks pushes the food away and pins dabi to the table.

"What the hell!" ^something is wrong here. Hawks shouldn't be like this at all, unless-^

In Dabi's mind. He hears the laughter of his master coming from the fire in his staff.


^What did you do to him?^

^i made his true feelings for who you were be the leash that binds him to you.^

Hawks begins to cry for what feels like no reason to him. So when hawks begins to put his hand under Dabi's neck guard of his outfit. Dabi pushes Hawks away.

"Damnit fay you're stronger than this!"

About that time, Hawks seems to return to normal. Flushing bright, he returns to eat the food quietly. Dabi gets up to sit down and eat aswell. What breaks the akward silence it Dabi.

"So I'll be heading out for the day. That means you can go anywhere in the house."

"What about the locked-"


With his head lowered. Hawks nods in understanding.

"Alright, well I'd better be off before the sun gets too high. Clean this mess before I get back and I'll let you keep more feathers tomorrow. "

Hawks mind was somewhere else. Trying to figure out why he had the sudden erge to tackle and kiss his captor. It wasn't natural and yet it felt right.

So as dabi was gone. Hawks cleaned up and looks around for answers about who was the scarred wizard. What Hawks didn't know was what was happening just outside of the mother tree.

As fay looked for their king. Dabi hides far away to pick them off one at a time. With a flaming swing of his staff. He would clip the wings of the unlucky fay that came close. Once on the ground, dabi would impale the staff into the back and burn everything to ash in order to get the magic. Thus the creation of another wildfire. Dabi would then run away just intimate for the fay to put out the flames before it spread too far.

A few hours passed of boredom soon got the best of hawks. So he went into the lab to try and open the locked cabinets that caught his fancy. Just as a feather was about to unlock it. Footsteps creek from above him. So he stops and moves away  to the glowing bowl. That's when the wall seems to open like a camouflaged door.

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