5: Ownership

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3rd person pov:

As Hawks sits on the couch with cleaning cloth wrapped around the shard for grip. His nerves are on edge.

"So what's your name? I can't keep calling out hey, or you shadow man."

"The name's Dabi, and you're in trouble."

As dabi walks around the corner. Hawks sees a plate piece between his fingers.

"Guess now is the time. I was hoping to catch you off GUARD!"

Hawks uses his speed to try and get behind dabi. As his arm drew back to stab him. Everything goes dark.

"W...what the h- mmp"

Magical threads pin Hawks arms behind his back, bind from his ankles to hips together,  and wrapped around his head to cover his mouth tightly. They then force him to the ground and block all sensory except touch.

^i... I can't move!^

Hawks still grips the sharp. So he puts it between his wrists to try and cut himself free. Only to cut the palm of his hand.

"Now now, there's no need for violence."

A snap from dabi restores his hearing.

"Listen closely because I'm only explaining this once. There are four rules you have to obey. The first is to never try to kill me or yourself. The second is to never leaving this house. Third, any locked rooms are forbidden to enter. Fourth is to never use your magic. For it all belongs to me. Let this be a warning to you, because the next time you break any of the rules. I'll go after more fay and drain them infront of you. Either that or I'll show you your worst fear. Nod if you understand."

Hawks hesitates but soon nods. A tap of his staff releases Hawks from the spell.

"Now let's eat. I made fried chicken mashed potatoes, and green beans."

Hawks gets up to sit at the table and hides his face from dabi.

"What's wrong?"

Hawks is blushing uncontrollably.

^what is wrong with me?! I felt helpless and fearful for my life. Yet on the other hand I didn't want to be released. Did he put a charm spell on me? This isn't good. I'm falling for a crazy nut job! I don't even know his plans yet. I'm the worst king in history.^


Dabi poors some wine for them both before eating.

"Since I'm here for life. Will you at least tell me your plans?"

"Quit buzzing and eat. After dinner you're heading downstairs for the night."

"Hmf jerk."

Hawks pouts as he eats. The moment he's finished. Dabi twirls a finger. Sending Hawks towards the basement door flying. The door opens and as soon as Hawks is downstairs. The door shuts behind him. Downstairs now has a full bathroom and towels with clothes, a bed, and desk with a few books.

"Why would a captor put items to entertain his slave? This doesn't make sense."

Hawks began looking for clues to escape once more. Making sure to be careful this time.

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